9-teiliges Kabelset von CableMod, inklusive Kabelkämmen, für Corsair-Netzteile, sehr hochwertige Einzel-Ader-Sleeves in Weiß und Blau, blickdichtes Textil
Ausgleichsbehälter von Singularity Computers, mit 250mm Tube-Höhe, transparente Röhre aus Acrylglas, mit Deckel und Boden aus Acetal, flexible Montagemöglichkeiten, Schwarz
Kauni tekstuuri ja graatsilise disainiga filterkann Orleans. Suurem kogus vett kas toiduvalmistamiseks või suviseks aiapeoks kulub marjaks ära. Mugav kaanelahendus võimaldab kannu täita kaant eemaldamata ning mehhaaniline ...
10–20 mm ülilainurk-suumobjektiiv; Läbiva f/4 avaga; Kiire Dual Linear teravustamismootor; Sujuv ja vaikne elektrooniline suum; Sony E bajonetiga poolkaader hübriidkaameratele
JBL Wave 100TWS juhtmevabad kõrvaklapid on kerged ja kompaktsed, pakkudes head ja selget heli ning võimast bassi. Klapid on täiesti juhtmevabad ning sobituvad seetõttu ideaalselt aktiivse eluviisiga inimesele. Kõrvaklapid koos elegantselt kujundatud kaasaskantava laadimisümbrisega pakuvad 20 tundi piiramatut muusikalist naudingut (5 tundi klappide akult ja 15 tundi laadimiskarbist juurde laadides). Ergonoomilise kujundusega klapid tagavad ka pikaajalise mugavuse. Mugavad käed-vabad kõned nutiseadmelt. Võimalik kasutada ka ühte klappi korraga.
Let Hedwig shine for you with the Paladone Harry Potter Hedwig Light! In the Harry Potter novels, Hedwig was purchased from Eeylops Owl Emporium and was gifted to Harry by Rubeus Hagrid on his eleventh birthday. Owls are used by wizards to deliver mail, but Hedwig was also an important companion as Harry was initiated into the wizarding world. She accompanied him throughout his adventures, delivered his mail in the school years and kept him company during his dreadful summers with the Dursleys. Now you too can enjoy your very own gorgeous, highly detailed Hedwig to bring some magical decoration to any bedside, room, or Harry Potter display. This light, while also bringing joy shaped as the snowy owl Hedwig lights up through it’s LED Lamp powered by battery (batteries not included). An officially licensed product, any Harry Potter fan or collector would love to get their hands on this beautiful light-up replica of one of Hogwarts most beloved creatures.
The bright and colourful world of Animal Crossing has been playfully incorporated into the design of this desk mat that will elevate the style of your office, desk or work area. Measuring 30cm x 80cm (12″ x 31″) with a wipe-clean surface, the Animal Crossing Desk Mat is decorated with a whole host of fan favourite characters such as Blathers, Isabelle and Tom Nook. A great way of displaying your fandom for this incredibly popular video game. The Animal Crossing Desk Mat comes supplied in a full-colour gift box and makes the perfect present for any Animal Crossing fan or gamer. Plus any collector of official Animal Crossing memorabilia would welcome this addition to their collection. OFFICIAL MERCHANDISE: Perfect gift for all Animal Crossing fans, superb quality, this Animal Crossing Desk Mat is officially licensed and approved by Nintendo. DESIGNED IN THE UK: Designed responsibly in the UK by Paladone, the award winning, global selling, consumer products company.
• Ülivastupidav laadimis- ja andmevahetuskaabel • Puntravaba metallist välisümbris • Kahekordse varjestusega kaabel • Laserkeevitusega tugevdatud ühenduskohad • Testitud vastu pidama üle 30000 180° pööret
Philipsi kõige taskukohasem OLED-TV toob teid lähemale kõigele, mida armastate. Elutruu pilt, Dolby Atmose heli ja Ambilighti kaasahaarav kuma loovad kinomõõtmelise põnevuse igale saatele, filmile ja mängule. Just seal, Teie elutoas
Valvoline kõrgkvaliteetne mootoriõli sõiduatode ja tarbesõidukite bensiini- ja diisel mootoritele, nii turboga kui ilma. Samuti sobib LPG gaasil töötavatele mootoritele. Kogus on 1 l.