Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi 10 2022 64GB Sea Blue Xiaomi mobiiltelefon Redmi 10 2022 16.5cm (6.5") Hybrid Dual SIM Android 11 4G USB Type-C 4GB 64GB 5000mAh sinine | 2 | 119,00 € | Vaata | ||
2 | 619,00 € | Vaata | |||
Laos | 2 | 139,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi 12 256GB Sky Blue Xiaomi Redmi 12 (Sky Blue) DS 6.79“ IPS LCD 1080x2460/2.0GHz&1.8GHz/256GB/8GB RAM/MIUI 14/microSDXC/WiFi,BT/4G,MZB0ETBEU | 2 | 139,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi 12T Pro 128GB Black Jäädvusta hetked megalt. • 200MP tippklassi stuudiokaamera • 120Hz CrystalRes AMOLED ekraan • 120W HyperCharge kiirlaadimine • 5000 mAh aku | Laos | 2 | 449,00 € | Vaata | |
2 | 1449,00 € | Vaata | |||
Tahvelarvuti Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra 5G 1TB Beige Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 Ultra SM-X916B. Ekraani diagonaal: 37,1 cm (14.6"), Ekraani resolutsioon: 2960 x 1848 pikslit. Sisemine mälumaht: 1 TB. Protsessori perekond: Qualcomm Snapdragon. Sisemälu: 16 GB. Tagakaamera ... | 2 | 1499,00 € | Vaata | ||
Laos | 2 | 339,00 € | Vaata | ||
Tahvelarvuti Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE 256GB Silver *Pilt on illustreeriv. **Värvi ja mudeli saadavus sõltub riigist, piirkonnast või edasimüüjast. Naudi rambivalgust värvilise disainiga Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ avavad sulle ukse loovate võimaluste ja meelelahutuse maailma. Vaata, loo ning jaga kõike, mida armastad, selgel ja säraval ekraanil. Mõlemad mudelid on saadaval hallis, mündirohelises, hõbedases või lavendlilillas värvitoonis. *Värvi ja mudeli saadavus sõltub riigist, piirkonnast või edasimüüjast. S Pen'iga teed märkmeid mõnusamalt Kirjuta, joonista, visanda oma lemmikrakenduses vee- ja tolmukindla S Pen'iga. Neljas trendikas värvitoonis saadaolev S Pen kinnitub magnetiga tahvelarvuti külge. Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ S Pen Creator Editioni tugi võimaldab sul olla maksimaalselt loov. *Galaxy Tab S9 FE, Tab S9 FE+ seadmetega kaasas olev S Pen on IP68 hinnanguga. Põhineb laboritestidel kuni 1,5 meetri sügavuses magevees 30 minuti jooksul. Ei ole soovitatav kasutada rannas või basseinis. S Pen'i vee- ja tolmukindlus ei ole püsivad ja võivad normaalse kulumise tõttu aja jooksul väheneda. **Tolmukindlust testis laboritingimustes kolmas osapool: 2 kg talgipulbrit (maksimaalne läbimõõt 0,05 mm) kuupmeetri kohta puhuti kahe tunni jooksul seadme korpusesse (õhurõhk seadmes, mis jääb ümbritsevast õhust madalamale). IP6X hinnang. Tolmukindlus võib tegelikes kasutustingimustes erineda. ***Enne kasutamist või tahvelarvuti külge kinnitamist kuivatage üleliigne vesi rätikuga. ****S Pen Creator Edition on müügil eraldi. Silmapaistvad toonid. Uskumatu vaade. Kõrge eraldusvõimega 12,4" või 10,9" ekraanil on kogu sisu tõetruu. Detailid on silmapaistvad ja selged, värvid on tänu DCI-P3 ja eredusele elavad. Iga vaatamiskord pakub elamust. *Diagonaalis mõõdetuna on Galaxy Tab S9 FE ekraani suurus 10,9", ümarate nurkadega 10,8". Diagonaalis mõõdetuna on Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ ekraani suurus 12,4", ümarate nurkadega 12,4". Tegelik vaatamisala on ümarate nurkade ja kaameraava tõttu väiksem. Kogu sisu on ülisujuv Rikasta oma meeli sujuva pildiga tänu ekraani värskendussagedusele kuni 90 Hz. Ükskõik kas vaatad oma lemmiksarja, surfad sotsiaalmeedias või töötled videoid, ekraan muutub vastavalt vajadusele. Välitingimustes näed Vision Boosteriga rohkem Vision Booster võimaldab sul Tabi suurt ekraani näha selgelt ka siis, kui oled väljas. Nutikas algoritm tuvastab päikesevalguse ning muudab ekraani eredust. Nii võid liikuda toa ja õue vahel, muretsemata nähtavuse kadumise pärast. *Pilt on illustreeriv. Tegelik kasutajaliides võib erineda. **Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ maksimaalne eredus on 600 nitti, välitingimustes kõrge ereduse režiimis 720 nitti. Säästa enda ja oma lähedaste silmi Vaata ja loo sisu ning mängi nii kaua, kui vaid soovid, teades, et sinu silmad on kaitstud. Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ ekraanil on sinist valgust vähendatud, et sinu silmi hoida. Nii saad nautida, kaitstes samal ajal oma silmanägemist. *Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ ekraan on saanud SGS-i vähese sinise valguse sertifikaadi, mis tõendab, et ekraan suudab vähendada sinise valguse kiirgust. Rohkem infot sertifikaadi kohta leiate veebilehelt **Sinise valguse sertifikaadi piiriks on alla 9,9% (SGS-i testid). Kauakestva akuga säilitad loovuse ka liikvel olles Kauakestev aku ergutab su loovust igal ajahetkel. Seadmel on piisavalt akut, et pakkuda sulle seltsi kogu päeva jooksul. Natuke jääb ehk ülegi, et laadida vajadusel oma telefoni. Ühenda Samsung Galaxy nutitelefon USB-C abil ning naudi kiirlaadimist. *Tavaline väärtus, mis on testitud kolmanda osapoole laboritingimustes. Tüüpiline väärtus on hinnanguline keskmine väärtus, võttes arvesse IEC 61960 standardi järgi testitud akunäidiste aku mahtuvuse hälvet. Galaxy Tab S9 FE puhul on (minimaalne) nimivõimsus 8000 mAh, Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ puhul 10 090 mAh. Aku tegelik tööiga sõltub võrgukeskkonnast, kasutusharjumustest ja muudest teguritest. **15 W kiirlaadimine on võimalik, kui Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ ekraan on välja lülitatud ja aku tase on vähemalt 30%. ***Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ 15 W kiirlaadimine on C-tüüpi kaabli abil piiratud Galaxy Flip4, Galaxy Fold4, Galaxy S23, Galaxy S22, Galaxy A53, Galaxy A33 ja Galaxy Tab S8 seeria seadmetega. ****Laadimiskiirus sõltub laadimistingimustest ja muudest teguritest. Suurel ekraanil teed märkmeid hõlpsamalt Samsung Notes ja GoodNotes võimaldavad su fantaasial märkmeid tehes lennata. Rakendused on optimeeritud kasutamiseks S Pen'iga, nii et tundub, nagu kirjutaksid ehtsale paberile. Visanda vertikaalasendis, tööle horisontaalasendis, või vastupidi. *Pilt on illustreeriv. Tegelik kasutajaliides võib erineda. **GoodNotesi rakendus tuleb Galaxy Store'ist alla laadida. Saadaval on tasuta versioon üheks aastaks. Kui tasuta prooviepriood lõpeb, tuleb kasutamise jätkamiseks teha tellimus. Rakenduse saadavus ja kasutustingimused sõltuvad riigist ja piirkonnast. ***Vajalik on Clip Studio Painti liikmelisus. Clip Studio Painti rakenduse saab alla laadida Galaxy poest, esmakordsetele kasutajatele on tasuta kuuekuune prooviperiood. Kui prooviperiood lõpeb, on kasutamise jätkamiseks vajalik kuu- või aastatellimus. Teenuse tingimused sõltuvad riigist ja piirkonnast. Esimene vee- ja tolmukindel Galaxy S FE tahvelarvuti Raske päeva aitavad üle elada vastupidavad Tab ja S Pen. Tahvelarvuti mugav disain ning tugev metallist raam kaitsevad seadet juhuslike põrutuste eest. IP68 hinnang tähendab, et see on meie esimene vee- ja tolmukindel Galaxy S FE tahvelarvuti S Pen'iga. *Galaxy Tab S9 FE, Tab S9 FE+ ja kaasasolev S Pen on IP68 hinnanguga. Põhineb laboritestidel kuni 1,5 meetri sügavuses magevees 30 minuti jooksul. Ei ole soovitatav kasutada rannas või basseinis. Seadme vee- ja tolmukindlus ei ole püsivad ja võivad normaalse kulumise tõttu aja jooksul väheneda. **Tolmukindlust testis laboritingimustes kolmas osapool: 2 kg talgipulbrit (maksimaalne läbimõõt 0,05 mm) kuupmeetri kohta puhuti kahe tunni jooksul seadme korpusesse (õhurõhk seadmes, mis jääb ümbritsevast õhust madalamale). IP6X hinnang. Tolmukindlus võib tegelikes kasutustingimustes erineda. Veel produktiivsem, veel mahukam Tänu suure jõudlusega Exynos 1380 kiibistikule on Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ kiired ja sujuvad nii töös, voogedastuses kui ka mängimisel. Vali kuni 256 GB sisemälu ning lisa mahtu microSD-ga, kui tahad lisaruumi videote, piltide, fotode ja muu säilitamiseks. *MicroSD-kaart on müügil eraldi. **256 GB mälumahu saadavus sõltub riigist, piirkonnast ja edasimüüjast. Tegelik mälumaht sõltub eelinstalleeritud tarkvarast. Lisa eSIM avardab võimalusi Oled lihtsamini ühenduses ja eri võrkudes, kui kasutad Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ Dual SIM-i. Aktiveeri eSIM ning seadista see peamiseks kaardiks vaid mõne lihtsa sammuga. Kui seadet vahetad, liiguvad kaasa ka eSIM-i salvestatud kontaktid. *Saadaolevad funktsioonid sõltuvad riigist, piirkonnast või edasimüüjast. Tab kogu perele Lase ka teistel pereliikmetel nautida: lisa Tabi teised Samsungi kontod. Kui lood konto oma lapsele, saad kasutada vanemlikku kontrolli, näiteks hallata rakendusi ja teenuseid, millele laps ligi pääseb. Lisaks saad seadistada asukohapõhise jälgimise, et saada meelerahu. *Vanemlikku kontrolli saab seadistada sätetes > Samsungi konto > Pere > Lapse konto > Vanemlik kontroll. **Saadaval Koreas ja USAs. Saadaval seadmetes, millel on One UI 6.0 või hilisem. ***Pilt on illustreeriv. Tegelik kasutajaliides võib erineda. Lapsed ja pere Leia asukoht Nagu kasutaksid arvutit, vaid hetkega Ühenda Book Coveri klaviatuur, et töötada hõlpsamalt. DeX režiimi, klahvide ja puuteplaadiga kasutaksid nagu arvutit. Rakenduste otseteedega oled tõhus, juhtmevabalt saad luua ühenduse mistahes teiste Samsungi Galaxy seadmetega. *Pilt on illustreeriv. **Värvi ja mudeli saadavus sõltub riigist, piirkonnast või edasimüüjast. ***Book Coveri klaviatuuriga ümbris on müügil eraldi. Toode on saadaval Galaxy Tab S9 FE ja Tab S9 FE+ jaoks. Toote disain võib mudeliti erineda. ****Teatud rakendused ei pruugi mitme akna avamist toetada. *****Google Meet on allalaadimiseks saadaval teenuses Google Play. Google Meet on ettevõtte Google LLC kaubamärk. ******Funktsioonid ja klaviatuuripaigutus võivad olenevalt mudelist või keeletüübist erineda. ********Juhtmevaba klaviatuuri jagamist toetavad Samsung Galaxy Tab seadmed, milles töötab One UI 2.5 või hilisem, ühendatud Book Coveri klaviatuuriga POGO kaudu. Pole saadaval teatud nutitelefoni mudelitel. ********Juhtmevaba klaviatuuri jagamiseks saab registreerida kuni 3 seadet. Juhtmeta klaviatuuri jagamise lubamiseks peavad mõlemad seadmed olema sisse logitud samale Samsungi kontole. Jõudlus võib kasutaja võrgukeskkonnast olenevalt erineda. ************Juhtmevaba klaviatuuri jagamise funktsiooni saab sisse/välja lülitada menüüs Seaded > Üldhaldus > Füüsiline klaviatuur > Jaga klaviatuuri. | 2 | 499,00 € | Vaata | ||
Tahvelarvuti Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE 256GB Lavender Galaxy | SM-X510 | Octa-core (4x2.4 GHz Cortex-A78 & 4x2.0 GHz Cortex-A55) | Screen 10.9" | Resolution 2304x1440 | IPS-LCD | RAM 8GB | 1xUSB-C | Wireless LAN | Bluetooth | VGA card Mali-G68 MP5 | Card Reader microSDXC | Camera 8MP | Front-facing Camera 12MP | Speakers | GPS / geotagging | Android | Colour Lavender | Width 254.3 mm | Height 165.8 mm | Depth 6.5 mm | Weight 0.523 kg | 2 | 499,00 € | Vaata | ||
Sülearvuti Apple MacBook Pro 16" (2023) (M3 Pro 12-Core CPU, 18-Core GPU, 36GB RAM, 512GB SSD, INT) Silver Apple MacBook Pro 16" defineerib loovisikute ja professionaalide jaoks kaasaskantava võimsuse uuesti, tänu Apple'i M3-põlvkonna kiibile, mis toob lauale erakordse jõudluse. See stiilne sülearvuti on loodud sujuvaks, kiireks ja efektiivseks tööks, olles piisavalt kompaktne, et liikuda koos Sinuga. Olgu tegu kontoritöö või keerukate multimeedia projektidega, MacBook Pro on Sinu loomingulise väljenduse tõstmine uutesse kõrgustesse, toetudes tipptasemel tehnoloogiale. | 2 | 3149,00 € | Vaata | ||
Sülearvuti Apple MacBook Pro 16" (2023) (M3 Max 14-Core CPU, 30-Core GPU, 36GB RAM, 1TB SSD, INT) Silver Apple MacBook Pro 16" defineerib loovisikute ja professionaalide jaoks kaasaskantava võimsuse uuesti, tänu Apple'i M3-põlvkonna kiibile, mis toob lauale erakordse jõudluse. See stiilne sülearvuti on loodud sujuvaks, kiireks ja efektiivseks tööks, olles piisavalt kompaktne, et liikuda koos Sinuga. Olgu tegu kontoritöö või keerukate multimeedia projektidega, MacBook Pro on Sinu loomingulise väljenduse tõstmine uutesse kõrgustesse, toetudes tipptasemel tehnoloogiale. | 2 | 3699,00 € | Vaata | ||
Lauaarvuti Apple iMac 24" (2023) (M3 8-Core CPU, 8-Core GPU, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD, INT) Green Apple iMac 24" on ideaalne sümbioos stiilist ja võimekusest, pakkudes M3-põlvkonna kiibi jõudlust, mis on sobilik nii professionaalidele kui ka lihtsamatele tehnoloogia entusiastidele. See silmapaistev lauaarvuti on eriti sobilik graafilise disaini, videomontaaži ja muude ressursinõudlike ülesannete jaoks, tagades ühtlasi sujuvuse ka igapäevatoimingutes. Tänu oma elegantsele välimusele ja tehnoloogilisele tipptasemele toob iMac iga töölaua kaasaegsesse maailma. | 2 | 1499,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Dual SIM 256GB White Titanium Tootekood: MU2P3 Mobiiltelefonid Füüsiliselt 2'e SIM kaardipesaga. Hong Kong'i versioon (EU regioonis ametlik garantiiteenindus puudub). | 2 | 1429,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Dual SIM 256GB Natural Titanium Tootekood: MU2Q3 Mobiiltelefonid Füüsiliselt 2'e SIM kaardipesaga. Hong Kong'i versioon (EU regioonis ametlik garantiiteenindus puudub). | 2 | 1429,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Dual SIM 256GB Blue Titanium Tootekood: MU2R3 Mobiiltelefonid Füüsiliselt 2'e SIM kaardipesaga. Hong Kong'i versioon (EU regioonis ametlik garantiiteenindus puudub). | 2 | 1429,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Apple iPhone 15 Pro Max Dual SIM 256GB Black Titanium Tootekood: MU2N3 Mobiiltelefonid Füüsiliselt 2'e SIM kaardipesaga. Hong Kong'i versioon (EU regioonis ametlik garantiiteenindus puudub). | 2 | 1429,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi 13T 12GB/256GB Meadow Green Xiaomi mobiiltelefon 13T 16.9cm (6.67") Dual SIM Android 13 5G USB Type-C 12GB 256GB 5000mAh roheline | 2 | 449,00 € | Vaata | ||
2 | 599,00 € | Vaata | |||
Tahvelarvuti Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ 5G 256GB Silver Samsung X616 Galaxy Tab S9 FE+ 12.4" 5G 12/256GB Silver. | 2 | 649,00 € | Vaata | ||
2 | 649,00 € | Vaata | |||
2 | 649,00 € | Vaata | |||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi 13C 6GB/128GB Midnight Black Redmi 13C - Nutikas disain, võimas jõud. Ühenda elegantsus ja efektiivsus ühes seadmes. Avasta nutimaailma uus standard stiilis ja tehnoloogias. Redmi 13C - rohkem kui lihtsalt nutitelefon, see on sinu elustiil innovatsiooni raamistikus. | 2 | 124,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi 13C 256GB Glacier White Tootekood: MZB0FTBEU Mobiiltelefonid Xiaomi mobiiltelefon Redmi 13C 256GB (Glacier valge, Android 13, Dual SIM, 8 GB LPDDR4X) | 2 | 134,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A25 5G 256GB Light Blue Tootekood: SM-A256BLBH Mobiiltelefonid | 2 | 249,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Nokia G42 128GB Pink 6,56” HD+ 1612 x 720 90 Hz; 50 MP põhikaamera; 8 MP selfie; 5000 mAh aku, 20 W kiirlaadimine; QuickFixi parandatavus | 2 | 199,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Poco X6 512GB White Tootekood: MZB0FRNEU Mobiiltelefonid The Poco X6 5G is a cutting-edge mobile phone that brings a new dimension of speed and efficiency to your fingertips. It is powered by a powerful Snapdragon® 7s Gen 2 processor and boasts a stunning CrystalRes 120Hz Flow AMOLED display for smooth visuals. The device features a versatile 64MP triple camera setup with OIS for capturing high-quality photos and videos. Additionally, it supports 67W turbo charging to quickly power up its 5100mAh battery, ensuring you stay connected longer. With 12GB of RAM and 512GB of general capacity, this white Poco X6 5G model (MZB0FRNEU) is a powerhouse of performance and storage. | 2 | 329,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Poco X6 512GB Blue Poco X6 A new SPEED-CIES - Powerful Snapdragon® 7s Gen 2 - CrystalRes 120Hz FIow AMOLED - 64MP triple camera with OIS - 67W turbo charging - 5100mAh (typ) battery | Laos | 2 | 329,00 € | Vaata | |
Apple Vision Pro 512GB Tootekood: MQL93 Virtuaalreaalsus Apple on saavutanud turul positsiooni uskumatult ergonoomiliste ja kvaliteetsete tehnoloogiatoodete tootjana, pärast mille kasutamist on üsna raske teisele kaubamärgile üle minna. Ettevõte sisenes liitreaalsuse ruumi Apple Vision Pro segareaalsusega nutiprillide tutvustamisega. Apple´i jaoks oli segareaalsusega peakomplekt esimene seade selles klassis.Vision Pro on kumera läbipaistva 3D välisekraaniga prillid. Välisel ekraanil on näha kasutaja silmad – see on simulatsioon, mida seade enne kasutamist ette loeb. Peakomplekti saate juhtida oma hääle või žestide abil. Näiteks saab kasutaja silmade liigutustega teksti lehti pöörata. Vision Pro on varustatud kahe välise kaameraga video edastamiseks ning peakomplekti sees oleva paari 4K-võimelise ekraaniga virtuaalreaalsuse funktsioneerimiseks. Spetsiaalse ratta abil saate lülituda virtuaalselt liitreaalsusele. Vision Pro-l on kaks mikro-OLED-ekraani, mille eraldusvõime on üle 4K silma kohta, kuvades ekraanil 23 miljonit pikslit (umbes 3,3 korda rohkem kui Quest 2 puhul). Väidetavalt annab see spetsiaalsete katadioptriliste läätsedega kombineerituna suurepärase pildi selguse. Apple M2 protsessor saab hakkama suurema osa eraldiseisva peakomplekti töötlemiskoormusest. Teine spetsiaalselt välja töötatud kiip nimega R1 pakub reaalmaailma "peaaegu hetkelist" reaalajas vaatamist. Vision Pro käitab uut Vision OS-i, mis on mõeldud ruumiliste rakenduste jaoks, sealhulgas Unity ja ARKiti otsetugi. Otsast lõpuni jälgimine, käte ja silmade jälgimine Kaks värvilist läbilaskekaamerat võimaldavad näha tegelikku keskkonda. Kaheksa lisakaamerat tagavad täpse käejälgimise, välistades vajaduse VR-kontrollerite järele. LiDAR-andur ja kaks sügavussensorit tagavad reaalajas keskkonna 3D-pildi. Peakomplekti sees olev silmade jälgimine põhineb neljal kiirel kaameral ja mitmel infrapuna-LEDil. See võimaldab foveaalset renderdamist, mis tähendab, et ainult silma fookuspunktis olev pilt renderdatakse täielikult. Vision Pro aktiveeritakse iirise skaneerimisega ning pupillidevahelist kaugust saab mehaaniliselt reguleerida. Aku, töö, ruumiline heli Aku ühendub peakomplektiga kaabli abil ja seda saab kanda puusal või taskus. Laadimine võtab aega umbes kaks tundi. Peakomplekti juhitakse käsitsi ja silmade jälgimise kombinatsiooni abil. Prillid said täiustatud videokonverentsivõimalused ja virtuaalsed koosolekuruumid realistlike avataridega. Lisaks võimaldab peakomplekt vaadata filme 3D-vormingus. Prillidele on paigaldatud kõik samad rakendused, mis Apple iPad tahvelarvutile, näiteks “Kaamera”, “Raamat”, FaceTime videokõneteenus, “Sõnumid”, “Muusika”, “Märkmed” jne. Vision Pro sünkroonib kõigi teiste Apple´i seadmetega. | 2 | 4499,00 € | Vaata | ||
Tahvelarvuti Xiaomi Redmi Pad SE 4GB/128GB Lavender Purple 27,9 cm (11") Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 GB Android 13 Violett | 2 | 149,00 € | Vaata | ||
Apple Vision Pro 1TB Tootekood: MQLA3 Virtuaalreaalsus Apple on saavutanud turul positsiooni uskumatult ergonoomiliste ja kvaliteetsete tehnoloogiatoodete tootjana, pärast mille kasutamist on üsna raske teisele kaubamärgile üle minna. Ettevõte sisenes liitreaalsuse ruumi Apple Vision Pro segareaalsusega nutiprillide tutvustamisega. Apple´i jaoks oli segareaalsusega peakomplekt esimene seade selles klassis.Vision Pro on kumera läbipaistva 3D välisekraaniga prillid. Välisel ekraanil on näha kasutaja silmad – see on simulatsioon, mida seade enne kasutamist ette loeb. Peakomplekti saate juhtida oma hääle või žestide abil. Näiteks saab kasutaja silmade liigutustega teksti lehti pöörata. Vision Pro on varustatud kahe välise kaameraga video edastamiseks ning peakomplekti sees oleva paari 4K-võimelise ekraaniga virtuaalreaalsuse funktsioneerimiseks. Spetsiaalse ratta abil saate lülituda virtuaalselt liitreaalsusele. Vision Pro-l on kaks mikro-OLED-ekraani, mille eraldusvõime on üle 4K silma kohta, kuvades ekraanil 23 miljonit pikslit (umbes 3,3 korda rohkem kui Quest 2 puhul). Väidetavalt annab see spetsiaalsete katadioptriliste läätsedega kombineerituna suurepärase pildi selguse. Apple M2 protsessor saab hakkama suurema osa eraldiseisva peakomplekti töötlemiskoormusest. Teine spetsiaalselt välja töötatud kiip nimega R1 pakub reaalmaailma "peaaegu hetkelist" reaalajas vaatamist. Vision Pro käitab uut Vision OS-i, mis on mõeldud ruumiliste rakenduste jaoks, sealhulgas Unity ja ARKiti otsetugi. Otsast lõpuni jälgimine, käte ja silmade jälgimine Kaks värvilist läbilaskekaamerat võimaldavad näha tegelikku keskkonda. Kaheksa lisakaamerat tagavad täpse käejälgimise, välistades vajaduse VR-kontrollerite järele. LiDAR-andur ja kaks sügavussensorit tagavad reaalajas keskkonna 3D-pildi. Peakomplekti sees olev silmade jälgimine põhineb neljal kiirel kaameral ja mitmel infrapuna-LEDil. See võimaldab foveaalset renderdamist, mis tähendab, et ainult silma fookuspunktis olev pilt renderdatakse täielikult. Vision Pro aktiveeritakse iirise skaneerimisega ning pupillidevahelist kaugust saab mehaaniliselt reguleerida. Aku, töö, ruumiline heli Aku ühendub peakomplektiga kaabli abil ja seda saab kanda puusal või taskus. Laadimine võtab aega umbes kaks tundi. Peakomplekti juhitakse käsitsi ja silmade jälgimise kombinatsiooni abil. Prillid said täiustatud videokonverentsivõimalused ja virtuaalsed koosolekuruumid realistlike avataridega. Lisaks võimaldab peakomplekt vaadata filme 3D-vormingus. Prillidele on paigaldatud kõik samad rakendused, mis Apple iPad tahvelarvutile, näiteks “Kaamera”, “Raamat”, FaceTime videokõneteenus, “Sõnumid”, “Muusika”, “Märkmed” jne. Vision Pro sünkroonib kõigi teiste Apple´i seadmetega. | 2 | 4999,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 256GB Glacial White CN Tootekood: PJD110_256_SV Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 719,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A25 5G 8GB/128GB Yellow Tootekood: SM-A256EZYG Mobiiltelefonid | 2 | 239,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A25 5G 8GB/128GB Blue Tootekood: SM-A256EZBG Mobiiltelefonid | 2 | 239,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A25 5G 8GB/128GB Blue Black Tootekood: SM-A256EZKG Mobiiltelefonid | 2 | 239,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 8GB/128GB Mint Green Xiaomi Redmi Note 13 128GB (Mint Green, Android 13, LTE, 8 GB LPDDR4X) | 2 | 169,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 512GB Silky Black CN Tootekood: PJD110_512_BL Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 799,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 512GB Flowy Emerald CN Tootekood: PJD110_512_GR Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 799,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 512GB Glacial White CN Tootekood: PJD110_512_SV Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 799,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 16GB/1TB Silky Black CN Tootekood: PJD110_1TB_BL Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | Laos | 2 | 880,00 € | Vaata | |
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A05s 4GB/128GB Light Violet Tootekood: SM-A057FLVG Mobiiltelefonid Samsung Galaxy A05s offers stable performance, a high-quality camera, and sufficient battery life for everyday use. This model is perfect for those looking for a reliable and affordable smartphone for everyday communication, social media usage, and basic multimedia functions. • 6.7´´ display, FHD+ resolution • 50 MP main camera and 16 MP front camera • 5000 mAh battery • Dual SIM • MicroSD card slot | 2 | 139,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 16GB/1TB Flowy Emerald CN Tootekood: PJD110_1TB_GR Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 899,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A05s 6GB/128GB Light Violet Tootekood: SM-A057FLVH Mobiiltelefonid Samsung Galaxy A05s offers stable performance, a high-quality camera, and sufficient battery life for everyday use. This model is perfect for those looking for a reliable and affordable smartphone for everyday communication, social media usage, and basic multimedia functions. • 6.7´´ display, FHD+ resolution • 50 MP main camera and 16 MP front camera • 5000 mAh battery • Dual SIM • MicroSD card slot | 2 | 159,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A05s 6GB/128GB Black Tootekood: SM-A057FZKH Mobiiltelefonid Samsung Galaxy A05s offers stable performance, a high-quality camera, and sufficient battery life for everyday use. This model is perfect for those looking for a reliable and affordable smartphone for everyday communication, social media usage, and basic multimedia functions. • 6.7´´ display, FHD+ resolution • 50 MP main camera and 16 MP front camera • 5000 mAh battery • Dual SIM • MicroSD card slot | 2 | 159,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon OnePlus 12 16GB/1TB Glacial White CN Tootekood: PJD110_1TB_SV Mobiiltelefonid This smartphone is pre-installed with full Google Mobile Service, and with Google Play Store, OTA updating supported. We install before shipment. International Multi-language Supported Offers 16 languages to world´s user: English, French, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Burmese,Thai, Bengalese, Nepal, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Pilipino,Thai, Laotian, Hindi, Chinese, Malaysia Flagship Performance Unleashed The OnePlus 12 heralds a new era in smartphone performance, powered by the third-generation Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 flagship chip. This technological marvel promises a full-throttle performance, offering a transcendent experience that sets a new benchmark for smartphone capabilities. With significant improvements in CPU, GPU, and NPU performance, the OnePlus 12 ensures seamless multitasking and superior gaming experiences, redefining what users expect from their mobile device. Revolutionary Display Technology Introducing the world premiere 2K Oriental Screen, the OnePlus 12 sets a new standard in mobile display technology. This pioneering screen delivers perfect color accuracy, exceptional brightness, and advanced eye protection, shattering 18 DisplayMate A+ records. Its high resolution and peak brightness of 4500 nits ensure stunning visuals, whether you´re indoors or out in the sun. This leap in display technology offers users an unparalleled viewing experience, with vivid colors and clear details that bring content to life. Exceptional Battery and Charging The OnePlus 12´s 5400mAh battery redefines long battery life in the smartphone world. Combined with 100W wired flash charging and 50W wireless flash charging capabilities, it ensures that users can stay powered throughout the day with minimal downtime. This fast-charging technology enables the phone to reach full charge rapidly, providing convenience and efficiency that keeps pace with the demands of modern life. Unmatched Memory and Storage Equipped with 24GB of super memory and a massive 1TB storage capacity, the OnePlus 12 is a powerhouse of performance and storage. The innovative self-developed memory genetic recombination technology 2.0 ensures a super smooth experience, even with extensive app usage and large libraries. This extraordinary combination of memory and storage allows users to enjoy a fluid, lag-free experience, whether they´re gaming, streaming, or multitasking. Advanced Imaging Capabilities In collaboration with Hasselblad, the OnePlus 12 features a full-focus super light and shadow imaging system, including a new Sony LYT-808 flagship sensor and a 64 million pixel periscope telephoto lens. This advanced imaging technology ensures breathtaking photos and videos, capturing moments with stunning clarity and detail. The various camera features, such as ultra-clear image quality and natural color algorithms, elevate photography to a professional level, enabling users to capture memories in the most vivid way. Innovative Design and Craftsmanship The OnePlus 12´s design is a tribute to timeless elegance, drawing inspiration from the quality of high-end luxury watches. Built in a luxury watch-level dust-free workshop with 158 delicate processes and micron-level technology, the phone embodies exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. The various design elements, like the crown watch mirror and starry sky dial, reflect a sophisticated aesthetic that blends technology with art. Enhanced User Experience The OnePlus 12 offers an array of features that enhance the overall user experience. The original three-stage switch, metal middle frame, and continuous curved glass contribute to the phone´s sleek and ergonomic design. The device also boasts an ultra-thin optical screen fingerprint sensor, IP65 dustproof and waterproof rating, and USB 3.2 Gen1 for faster data transfer, ensuring both convenience and reliability. Software and Connectivity Running on ColorOS 14, the OnePlus 12 offers a smooth, intelligent, and secure system experience. The integration of software and hardware provides a comprehensive evolution in device fluency and security. Additionally, the phone´s super signal engineering ensures that signals are strong and stable, enhancing the user´s connectivity experience. | 2 | 899,00 € | Vaata | ||
Tahvelarvuti Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 Lite (2024) LTE 128GB Mint Tootekood: SM-P625NLGE Tahvelarvutid | 2 | 529,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A34 5G 8GB/128GB Awesome Silver Samsung Galaxy A34 A346 (Awesome Silver) Dual SIM 6.6" Super AMOLED 1080x2340/2.6GHz&2.0GHz/6GB RAM/128GB/Android 13/WiFi,BT,4G,5G | 2 | 249,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Samsung Galaxy A34 5G 8GB/128GB Awesome Graphite Tootekood: SM-A346EZKC Mobiiltelefonid | Laos | 2 | 249,00 € | Vaata | |
Mobiiltelefon Honor Magic6 Pro 256GB Epi Green CN Tootekood: E0JG3EWBRA Mobiiltelefonid Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G comes with a 6.8-inch LTPO OLED touchscreen display, offering a comfortable experience on the large, widescreen. So you can enjoy your content with a view pleasing to the eye. It is equipped with Octa-core Qualcomm SM8650-AB Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (4 nm) processor that lets you enjoy faster and lag-free performance. It comes with various memory variations, up to 1TB and 16GB RAM (Please check specification table). It helps you handle multitasking tasks more smoothly, store more documents as well as download your favorite apps and games. Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G comes with a triple rear camera setup for capturing high-quality images and videos. Includes a 50 MP main camera, a 180 MP periscope telephoto camera, and a 50 MP ultra-wide camera. On the front, the phone is equipped with a high-resolution camera of up to 50 MP, supporting a full range of features that help you take selfies, or make video calls. Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G is powered by a non-removable Li-Polymer 5600 mAh battery that comes with 80W fast charging support, which shortens the time to fully charge the battery, ensuring the energy is always full for daily use. | 2 | 799,00 € | Vaata | ||
Mobiiltelefon Honor Magic6 Pro 256GB Purple CN Tootekood: E05HCL6HU9 Mobiiltelefonid Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G comes with a 6.8-inch LTPO OLED touchscreen display, offering a comfortable experience on the large, widescreen. So you can enjoy your content with a view pleasing to the eye. It is equipped with Octa-core Qualcomm SM8650-AB Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 (4 nm) processor that lets you enjoy faster and lag-free performance. It comes with various memory variations, up to 1TB and 16GB RAM (Please check specification table). It helps you handle multitasking tasks more smoothly, store more documents as well as download your favorite apps and games. Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G comes with a triple rear camera setup for capturing high-quality images and videos. Includes a 50 MP main camera, a 180 MP periscope telephoto camera, and a 50 MP ultra-wide camera. On the front, the phone is equipped with a high-resolution camera of up to 50 MP, supporting a full range of features that help you take selfies, or make video calls. Honor Magic 6 Pro 5G is powered by a non-removable Li-Polymer 5600 mAh battery that comes with 80W fast charging support, which shortens the time to fully charge the battery, ensuring the energy is always full for daily use. | 2 | 799,00 € | Vaata |