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Teleskoobid ja binoklid

Firma: Teleskoobid.ee

Reolink Go G450
Tootekood: B4GPT4K06SP GTIN: 6975253983902 Looduskaamerad
Reolink Go G450 on akutoitega kaasaskantav kaamera, millel on 4G andmeside tugi ning mis on mõeldud loomade ja eluslooduse jälgimiseks. Kaameral on 4K 8 Mpix resolutsioon ning ta on varustatud pööramis- ja kallutamisfunktsiooniga, mille abil saad elusloodust jälgida 360 kraadi vaates. Rajakaamera jäädvustab üksikasjalikke öiseid pilte ilma loomi häirimata ning seda tänu 940 nm infrapuna LED’idele ja suurele F.16 avale. Seadmel on sisse ehitatud aku ning kohe kaasas ka päikesepaneel, et seda oleks mugav sobivasse kohta paigaldada. Reolink Go G450 on teistest 4G-kaameratest nutikam ja suudab lisaks inimeste, sõidukite ja loomade tuvastamisele, tuvastada ka põdrad, hirved ja kalkunid muude objektide hulgast. Kaamera käivitab 0,5 sekundi jooksul pildistamise ja teavituste saatmise, nii et saaksid alati kursis olla, mis metsloomadega toimub. Kõik sündmused saad salvestada automaatselt kas kuni 128 GB microSD mälukaardile, Reolink Cloud pilvelahendusse või FTP serverisse. Kaamera on mõeldud kasutamiseks välitingimustes. Aku ja päikesetoitega rajakaamera 4K resolutsiooniga. Loomade tuvastamine ja äratundmine. Valguseta öine nägemine, mis ei häiri loomi. 8-megapikslise 4K resolutsiooniga akukaamera toodab teravat ja selget pilti. Tänu infrapuna öönägemisele pakub seade ka öösel rohkem detaile. Kaamera on varustatud mikrofoni ja kõlariga, mis võimaldab soovi korral salvestada kuni 5 minutit videoid koos heliga, mida saab igal ajal taasesitada ja alla laadida. Reolink rakenduse kaudu saad vaadata 4K otsepilti kõikjal ja korraga kuni 20 minutit. Kaameras andmeside kasutamiseks vajad andmesidemahuga SIM-kaarti. Kui kasutad juba Mobiilse Elu paketti, telli iseteeninduses oma paketile lisa interneti SIM-kaart. Kaamera kasutus varieerub üldiselt 2-40 GB kuus vastavalt kasutusele. Vaatan lähemalt
236,82 €
Bresser Junior mikroskoobi ja teleskoobi komplekt lastele
Tootekood: 8850900 GTIN: 9991110748832 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
This Bresser Junior Set offers the perfect entry into the world of optical devices. The light and compact Bresser Junior microscope is perfect for mobile use. It is an LED transmitted light microscope with zoom eyepiece, which allows magnifications of 40 to 640 times. The Bresser Junior Telescope impresses with its light weight and compact size. It can be easily carried in a backpack and with the table tripod you can set it up anywhere. 20x to 32x magnification and an integrated compass make exploring the starry sky a breeze. Everything you need to get started is included in the case. Insert the supplied AA batteries and examine the ready-made preparations on the height-adjustable object table. Or use the accessories to create your own preparations. Thanks to the smartphone holder, you can capture your discoveries directly for eternity and share them with your friends.
64,90 €
Bresser binokkel Optics Hunter 7x50 (1150750)
Tootekood: 1150750 GTIN: 4007922141459 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Hunter 7x50; Suurendus: 7x; Objektiivi diameeter: 50 mm; Kaal: 740g; Prisma tüüp: Porro
1-3 tp
49,00 €
Explore Scientific 100° 25mm (2") AR okulaar
Tootekood: 0218425 GTIN: 9990068826760 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
These eyepieces with their huge apparent field of view not only gave the observer a panoramic visual experience, but they relax the eye so the observer could pay attention to subtle details for extended periods.These ultra-wide angle eyepieces played a critical role in the military for aiming at targets, and their long eye-relief counterparts helped reduce eye injury from recoil.Each 100° Series Argon-Purged Waterproof eyepiece is internally sealed and purged with inert, dry argon gas to prevent internal fogging, to halt the intrusion of fine particulates and fungus. This also maximizes the life of the internal coatings.To make sure, every 100° eyepiece is tested by submerging them down to 1 meter of water for 30 minutes.All 100° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.
899,00 €
Celestron C90 Mak vaatetoru
Tootekood: 821532 GTIN: 9998315778275 Vaatetorud
The Maksutov optical design is recognized for being a portable design that is easy to use and has a variety of applications, making it an excellent choice for both terrestrial and astronomical usage. This C90 Mak has excellent optics with razor sharp images over a wide field.
1-3 tp
329,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-120 (AZ-3) 4.75" teleskoop
Tootekood: 10736 GTIN: 6970456092529 Teleskoobid
Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine. Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL teleskoobid on kaks elementi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid, mis on hästi tõestatud esinejate "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Päikese (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Need lai väli, lühikese toru teleskoobid suur fikseeritud ava objektiivid nii Astrophotography ja maismaa fotograafia. Nende "kiire" fookuskauguse suhe muuta need kasulikuks hõivamiseks Kuu ja päikesevarjutused samuti looduse fotod. Intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
465,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Heritage-130P FlexTube teleskoop
Tootekood: 10213 GTIN: 6970456092246 Teleskoobid
Heritage-130P on spetsiaalselt projekteeritud, et tähistada rahvusvahelist astronoomia aasta ja 400. aastapäeva Galileo esimesed teleskoobiga. See ei ole mitte ainult väga funktsionaalne täpsusega optiline instrument, vaid ka ilus kokkuostja tükk ja ideaalne kingitus.Teleskoobi toru on kaunistatud nimed paljude kuulsate arvud, mis on andnud märkimisväärse panuse kõrgemasse astronoomia üle selle 400yr ajavahemikus, kaasa arvatud Galileo Galilei ise. Eluase sama suurepärase Parabolic Primary Mirror meie väga tuntud Explorer-130P, see teleskoop on suurepärane ja suudab kõik ümaram, mis annab suurepärased vaated nii Kuu ja planeedid samuti Päikesesüsteemi objektid.Kokkupandav patenteeritud FlexTube ™ süsteemi on inkorporeeritud muutes selle veelgi mugav transportida ja hoiustada.Tüsistusteta käsijuhtimisega Dobsonian alt-asimuut mount muudab suurepärane, väga kantav, ostke-and-go süsteem.Täielik teleskoobi ja mount tuleb täielikult monteeritud otse karbist. Saadaval esitlus Giftbox.
1-3 tp
249,24 €
−0,01 €
National Geographic Telescope compact 76/350
Tootekood: 9015000 GTIN: 4007922201641 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
National Geographic 76/350 Compact TelescopeSmall but powerful, this bright, Dobsonian Telescope for stargazers is extremely portable, easy to use and available at a very reasonable price!This reflecting telescope is easy to operate, even for beginners to the fascinating world of astronomy, and it collects lots of light from celestial objects. The telescope comes fully assembled and ready to use right out of the box. You can simply place it on a table and begin exploring outer space. All required accessories are included, even a small book that introduces you to the starry sky and planetarium software for your computer.Features:Diameter: 76mmFocal Length: 350mmMagnification: 18x-117xEyepieces: 6, 20mmBarlow LensCompassMoon filter Application Skywatching Focal Lenght (mm) 350 Magnification (x-times) 18 - 117 Lens diameter (mm) 76 Colour Black
1-3 tp
78,79 €
Explore Scientific 68° 34mm (2") AR okulaar
Tootekood: 0218634 GTIN: 9995206377524 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
With the introduction of the 68° Series we are pleased to make two important improvements in eyepiece manufacture, the first being 15 layer Enhanced Multi-layer Deposition (EMD™) coatings on all glass-to-air surfaces to gain maximum contrast and waterproofing the eyepiece with the use of Argon gas purging instead of standard Nitrogen gas. Although Nitrogen is a fine choice that will last for many years, Argon is a larger molecule that maintains its protective properties over a wider range of temperatures and is even more resistant to diffusion thereby further extending the protective waterproof environment of the eyepiece body.Through computer-optimized design, a careful selection of optical glasses, and enhanced multi-layer deposition coatings, the Explore Scientific 68° Series™ eyepieces produce long eye-relief and ensure high image-correction, a flat field, and high contrast across the entire image field. An excellent choice for those who make extended visual studies of detail with subtle variations of brightness, and for those who must wear glasses while observing.All 68° Series eyepieces are fully EMD (Enhanced Multi-Layer Deposition) coated and edge-blackened to produce superior contrast. 
289,00 €
Explore Scientific EXOS-2 PMC-8 Wi-Fi GoTo ekvatoriaalne monteering
Tootekood: 0456200 GTIN: 9994611972935 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
The Explore Scientific EXOS2-GT with PMC-8 Electronics is quite unique and special. Most of the serious amateur mounts on the market today offer single processors. The PMC-8 electronics are extremely robust. They include a 2-Channel Multi-Processor Micro-controller with 8 CPUs that run independently and are completely deterministic in their behavior, thus the name PMC-8. Within this multi-processor system is a 64 Kbyte EEPROM Non-Volatile Memory bank used to store parameters; a Wireless Ethernet 10/100 with full IP function which permits operation from anywhere using a browser, ASCOM, or APP over the web or serial port; and Non-Volatile Memory used to store user selected parameters. The electronics also includes an Auto-Guide port (ST4 contact input) and features the only wireless ASCOM driver on the market. The belt driven system uses 2 timing pulleys (1-45 groove and 1-10 groove) with fiberglass re-enforced neoprene belt connected to a Nema11 bi-polar stepper .67 amps 12ncm motor then connected to the worm. Precise ball bearings in both axes ensures minimal backlash at all nine possible tracking speeds. The included battery pack (12 V) takes eight size "D" batteries. The head rests on a very tough and rigid stainless steel tripod with adjustable 2" legs from 26.8" to 42.5" and can support up to 28 lbs. of equipment. This system is all controlled from a tablet, notebook or desktop pc with 7" display and WIN8.1, WIN10, iOS or Android 4.4 with a beautiful full graphical user interface using our very own ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software. The ExploreStars OpenGoto® Software has the same basic functions as most all other mounts on the market today. ExploreStars is a free App downloadable from the Microsoft App store and GooglePlay. The basic download includes a standard 2 star or 3 star alignment procedure, over 70,000 star database, the Messier Catalog and Solar System objects. The software interface features a Classic four-button pattern for guiding, centering, moving and slewing on the touch screen of your tablet or phone. Pull-down menus open to offer the intuitive 2 star and 3 star alignment procedure, selection of the various catalogs, guided tours, the sync button, the park position, search feature and the coordinate input screen to enter RA and DEC coordinate information. Numerical key pad allows for selectable and user enterable GOTO speeds for slewing, centering and guiding rates. You can also set sidereal, king, lunar, solar, and user defined tracking rates. What makes this software different is that YOU can write your own code and import it into this software. Create a Messier challenge. Create a selectable list of objects you want to photograph and program that information into the software. With the ability to write your own code, you can create whatever your heart desires. Share it with the community of astronomers that are using this software.In addition, this mount can be controlled by any ASCOM compliant software using the built-in wireless ASCOM driver. GPS-compatible and auto time / date settings are dependent on optional receiver on computer, tablet or phone.Here are most of the ASCOM software packages available for use with the Explore Scientific / Losmandy G-11 with PMC-8 mount: ACP; APT; AST / ATC & Ricerca (Omega Lab); AstroArt; AstroMB; Cartes du Ciel / Sky Chart; CCD AutoPilot; DeepSky; Deepsky Planner; DFM Engineering; Earth Centered Universe Pro; EasySky; Eye and Telescope; Project Pluto; Hallo Northern Sky; Maxim DL; MaxPoint; PinPoint Astrometric; Prism; Sequence Generator Pro; Sidereal Technology; The Sky; SkyMap Software; SkyTools 3; Star Atlas PRO; Sky Observer; StarryNight; Stellarium; Virtual Moon Atlas; and WorldWide Telescope.
939,00 €
Explore Scientific 52° 6.5mm (1.25”) AR okulaar
Tootekood: 0219506 GTIN: 9995051708146 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
High power eyepieces (e.g. 3mm to 10mm) are used not only for obvious observations of planets and double stars, but can be employed for bright, compact deep sky objects. Not only will the scale of an object like a planetary nebula or globular cluster be impressive as it fills the eyepiece FOV, but the background sky will be very dark as the contrast effect increases with added magnification, provided that the atmospheric seeing conditions are favorable enough to reveal a sharp image. The 6.5mm is a popular choice for a wide variety of telescopes, producing some of the highest magnification views that most astronomers will observe at.Comfort, Quality, Value. The Explore Scientific 52° LER Series Most short focal length eyepieces are excellent flat-field multi-element oculars that can transform your visual astronomy experience. With an apparent field of view of 52 degrees, these eyepieces offer incredible value in a very nice eyepiece. Expect exceptional quality and value versus a comparably priced Plossl.  These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The rubber inlet and the foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. The patented EMD-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.
79,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Mercury 70/500 AZ3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10721 GTIN: 6970456095063 Teleskoobid
Ideaalne Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Päikesesüsteemi Astronomical kasutamine.Sky-Watcher Mercury-705 on kahe elemendi, õhu-vahedega akromaatiline teleskoop, mis on hästi tõestatud esineja "Rich-Field seisukohad komeete, star valdkondades, täheparvede, udukogude, särav galaktikate ja planeetide, Kuu ja Sun (nõuetekohase ohutuse filtreerimine!), samuti annab suurepärase päevasel maapealse seisukohti. Komplektis intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount, mis tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
1-3 tp
195,00 €
Bresser TR-688V statiiv
Tootekood: F002036 GTIN: 9996509336539 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
The BRESSER TR-688V is a solid video tripod at a small price!The three tripod legs can be individually adjusted in length thanks to the practical quick-release buckles. The rubber feet can be angled as required. So you can find stable stand even on slopes and on uneven ground. Ideal for photographing outdoors!360 ° shots are not a problem with the 2-way tilt. With the help of the handgrip, the tripod head can be rotated 360 ° smoothly. In addition, the camera can be tilted up to 90 ° over two axes. An integrated water scale and canister bubble ensure the required precision.Want to quickly switch between cameras with different lenses and settings? With the quick-release plate is no problem!FEATURES especially lightweight and transportable suitable for cameras and spotting scopes up to a total weight of 3 kg infinitely height adjustable from 63.5 cm to 171 cm 2-way tilt with quick-release plate 1/4 ”photo screw two integrated circular levels individually adjustable tripod legs for uneven terrain by hand crank extendable column Hook for attachment of a counterweight for more stability
1-3 tp
50,00 €
Bresser universaalne nutitelefoni adapter Deluxe
Tootekood: 4914914 GTIN: 9996489614320 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Take pictures with your smartphone through the telescope or microscope? With the Smartphone camera adapter this is now child’s play! Simply screw the adapter to the eyepiece and use your smartphone as a camera with a super-telephoto / super-macrophoto lens. It lets you take pictures of distant objects or very small objects as if you were very close.The Deluxe version offers an even more comfortable and secure attachment to the eyepiece. By a rotary movement of the clamping ring 3 clamping jaws are evenly applied to the eyepiece housing and the Smartphone adapter sits firmly and centrically on the eyepiece. The fine adjustment of the height of the smartphone support allows a quick and precise adjustment of the viewing height of the smartphone camera above the eyepiece lens. Good image results are thus guaranteed.  FEATURES  Take photos through the telescope  Smartphone camera with super telephoto lens Fine  Height adjustment of phone support  Wide adjustment range for eyepiece housing diameter  Fits 31.7mm (1.25”) eyepieces  For eyepiece housing diameters from 22-38mm  SCOPE OF DELIVERY  Smartphone holder deluxe Locking ring for the smartphone  
14,90 €
1-3 tp
268,99 €
Bresser kaugusmõõtja 6x24 OLED
Tootekood: 9625800 GTIN: 9995497570505 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
The BRESSER 6x24 OLED laser rangefinder allows you to reliably determine the distance between your location and an object, animal or building. The device is very easy to use: simply switch on, look through the eyepiece, place the reticle over the object you want to measure, and then press the button. The distance is displayed in metres on the high-quality OLED display with a measuring accuracy of ±0.2 m to ±0.5 m. Thanks to the harmless 905 nm laser beam, the device can determine distances within fractions of a second. The target can be located at a distance of up to 800 m. The rangefinder also features a great additional function for moving objects: a speedometer. This enables you to determine in an instant how fast something is moving towards you, away from you or past you - at speeds of up to 300 km/h.Rangefinder with high quality optics in a handy formatDue to its compact dimensions, the distance measuring device only weighs around 230 g, and is therefore ideal for hiking, hunting, sailing and other outdoor activities. The small device also comes with high-quality optics with 6x magnification and close-up focus from a distance of 4 metres. The field of view is 7 degrees - or in other words: 122.5 m at a distance of 1000 m - ideal for a perfect overview of your surroundings. The dioptre compensation of +/- 5 ensures that you will always obtain a crystal-clear image. In addition, the brightness of the display can be adapted to the current lighting conditions. When you no longer need the distance measuring device, simply place it in the practical case to keep it well protected until you need it again.Measure distance and speed with ease - with the compact BRESSER 6x24 OLED laser rangefinder.FEATURES Distance measuring device for hunting, hiking, etc. OLED display Laser distance measurement with display in meters Measures speeds up to 300 km/h Range: Up to 800 m Laser: 905 nm Close-up focusing from 4 m Field of view: 7 degrees Lens diameter: 24 mm Magnification: 6x Dioptre compensation: +/- 5 Measurement accuracy: ± 0.2 m Battery operated: 1x CR2 lithium, 3V (included) DELIVERY CONTENT Laser rangefinder Bag Hand strap 1x CR2 battery Instructions with warranty information
1-3 tp
269,00 €
Bresser Telescope Spica Reflector 130/1000 EQ3
Tootekood: 4630100 GTIN: 4007922058825 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser teleskoop Telescope Spica Reflector 130/1000 EQ3
1-3 tp
339,00 €
Bresser binokkel Corvette 8x42 (1440843)
Tootekood: 1440843 GTIN: 4007922037172 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Corvette 8x42 katusebinokkel on mugav binokkel, mis kerge kaalu ja veekindla korpuse tõttu sobib erinevate rakenduste jaoks, muu hulgas looduse ja lindude jälgimiseks, aga ka kasutamiseks reisidel, matkadel ja muudel ...
1-3 tp
167,90 €
Bresser Corvette 7x50 Porro
Tootekood: 1460751 GTIN: 4007922055596 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Corvette 7x50 Porro
1-3 tp
149,00 €
National Geographic 40-1280x mikroskoop
Tootekood: 9039001 GTIN: 4007922032702 Mikroskoobid
This NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 40 - 1280 x Microscope is the ideal tool to enter the world of microscopy. Thanks to the combined transmitted and incident illumination it can be used for the observation of opaque and transparent specimens. By means of exclusive accessories like instrument sets or optionally available electronic eyepieces, your beginner model can be extended endlessly.
1-3 tp
129,90 €
Bresser Pluto 114/500 EQ Telescope with Smartphone Holder
Tootekood: 4614500 GTIN: 4007922145136 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Optical system: Newton reflector; Highest practical power: 230x; Objective lens diameter: 114 mm; Focal length: 500 mm; Aperture ratio: f/4.4; Mount: EQ; Eyepiece barrel diameter: 31.7 mm (1.25")
1-3 tp
216,79 €
Bresser Corvette 10x42
Tootekood: 1441043 GTIN: 4007922037189 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Corvette 10x42
1-3 tp
89,30 €
Bresser Optics Topas 8-24x50 (8962142)
Tootekood: 8962142 GTIN: 4007922201566 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Topas 8-24x50
1-3 tp
79,00 €
Bresser Travel 20-60x60 (4310000)
Tootekood: 4310000 GTIN: 4007922040691 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser vaatlustoru Travel 20-60x60
1-3 tp
90,00 €
Bresser Binokulaarne metallist statiiviadapter SFM-1
Tootekood: 1916001 GTIN: 9994768376938 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Solid slim metal tripod adapter for binoculars with built-in tripod connection thread to connect the binoculars to a tripod.Due to its particularly slim design, this adapter is optimally suited for roof binoculars. But it can also be used to adapt other binoculars up to 1.5 kg to a tripod.  
1-3 tp
14,90 €
Teleskoop Bresser Junior 50/360 teleskoop
Tootekood: 8850620WXH000 GTIN: 9993684000859 Teleskoobid
1-3 tp
64,90 €
Teleskoop Bresser Nano NT-114/500 teleskoop
Tootekood: 4514500 GTIN: 9992864909685 Teleskoobid
The BRESSER NANO NT-114/500 telescope is the perfect combination of a large Newtonian mirror with a short focal length. The advanced observer who has discovered that light gathering is a more important factor than magnification, will especially appreciate the large 114 mm mirror. Enough light can be reflected into the eyepiece to be able to see even the most distant objects in our solar system at great detail. Suitable also for traveling and to observe large open star clusterns and the milky way. The telescope arrives with a wide array of accessories and almost pre-assembled - observation can start immediately. The BRESSER NANO is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR-90s, AR-102s, AR-102xs and the ED-80 APO. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 8 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the BRESSER NANO AZ mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print, which makes the tripod more stable. Spreader vanes with an acessory tray locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum.  Do you want to capture what you see ? With the included smartphone holder bracket you can use your smartphone to easily take colour pictures of celestial objects - like through a telephoto lens ! With the included camera adapter ring T2 you can also attach your DSLR or CCD camera direct to the focuser in order to capture high resolution pictures of the Moon by using short exposure times.   Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design “Newton” are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing.   FEATURES High quality and compact reflector telescope  Richfield telescope also for traveling  Easy to use BRESSER NANO AZ Mount  Telescope arrives almost pre-assembled  Large 40mm secondary mirror Diffraction limitted optics for ideal sharpness and contrast Magnification with supplied accessories: 20x, (max. suggested: 228x)  Focal distance, aperture ratio: 500mm, f/4.4  Stainless steel field tripod  Smartphone holder bracket included - for taking pictures  Eyepiece diameter: 31.7mm (1.25”)  SCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube Messier NT-114/500  BRESSER NANO alt/azimuth mount  Stainless steel tripod with accessory tray  Eyepiece: BRESSER Super Plössl 26mm  Red dot finder  Smartphone camera adapter  Camera-Adapter Ring T2 (M42x0.75mm)  Star chart software & rotatable star-map  
1-3 tp
219,00 €
National Geographic Set (Telescope / Microscope)
Tootekood: 9118400 GTIN: 4007922058566 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
National Geographic teleskoop Set (Telescope / Microscope)
1-3 tp
69,90 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyhawk 1145P EQ1 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10709 GTIN: 6970456092017 Teleskoobid
Auhinnatud Sky-Watcher skyhawk-1145P on suurepärane valik tõsine algaja ning saab kõrgeid hindeid rohkem kogenud astronoomid. Kasuliku 114mm valguse kogumise ava, koos oma suurepärase paraboolpeeglit see teleskoop on väga võimeline mitmekülgne inimene vaatlemiseks Moon, särav planeedid, udukogu, galaktika ja täheparvede. Komplektis EQ1 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid. Skyhawk-1145P mudelitel on premium kvaliteediga Parabolic Primary Peeglid, mis tavaliselt esinevad suuremates kallim teleskoobid kõrvaldada sfäärilise moonutuse suhtes, tekitades isegi teravam, suurema kontrastiga pilte, mis on täis detail.Parabool või täpsemini "paraboloidal" peegel, on maa kujust, mis toob kogu saabuva valguse kiirtega täiuslik keskenduda, on telje. Lisaks on neil olemas 0.5mm Ultra-Thin teisene peegel toetab vähendada difraktsioon naelu ja valguse kadu.
1-3 tp
215,00 €
Teleskoop Bresser Spica 130/650 EQ3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 4690919 GTIN: 9995693377380 Teleskoobid
NEW - now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Due to its aperture of 130mm and short focal length the new BRESSER Spica telescope is the perfect tool for wide field observations of large, faint objects like the Andromeda galaxy, large open star clusters and vast emission nebulae in our own milky way. Equipped with an parabolic primary mirror this telescope shows much more details on all astronomical objects.  It is equipped with an equatorial mount (also known as parallactic mount). This allows for compensation of earth rotation and exact following of the celestial object observed.   Please note: Reflector telescopes with optical design “Newton” are very good for astronomical observing at the starry night sky. But these telescopes are not well usable for observing landscape and nature during daylight. Therefore we suggest BRESSER refractor (lens) telescopes for landscape and nature observing. NOTE: If you require automatic star tracking, the telescope mount can also be retrofitted with the optional motor set part No. 4951400.FEATURES  telescope for night and solar observation optical system: parabolic Newton reflector ideal for wide field observations equatorial mount for exact following extensive range of accessories SCOPE OF DELIVERY reflector telescope equatorial mount tripod aperture solar-filter eyepieces (31,7 mm): 4 mm, 20mm Barlow lens 3x LED viewfinder smartphone camera adapter
1-3 tp
242,99 €
+0,04 €
Bresser Optics Topas 7x50 WP/Kompass (1866932)
Tootekood: 1866932 GTIN: 4007922197463 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Topas 7x50 WP/Kompass
1-3 tp
149,00 €
Celestron Nature DX 8x42 binokkel
Tootekood: 824284 GTIN: 50234713320 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Tippkvaliteediga algtaseme binoklina turul pakub Nature DX maailma parimat: teravaid kujutisi, kuni 2m lähifookust ning sõbralikku hinda. Te saate kõik vajalikud omadused, mis on tarvis edu saavutamiseks antud valdkonnas, mille hulka kuuluvad mitmekihiliselt kaetud optika, kvaliteetsed BaK-4 prismad ning täiesti veekindel ja lämmastikuga täidetud korpus. Erinevate suuruste ja suurendusvõimega on Nature DX ideaalne esimene optikaseade algajatele ning kindel täiendus kogenud kasutaja arsenalis.
1-3 tp
214,99 €
Teleskoop Celestron Inspire 80AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 821667 GTIN: 50234224024 Teleskoobid
The ultimate telescope for the novice to intermediate planetary astronomer! The Inspire 80AZ offers the longest focal length in the Inspire line for higher power views of the planets and is packed with features never seen before on entry level telescopes. Inspire features fully coated glass optics, a solid altazimuth mount with a unique asymmetrical design, a sturdy steel tripod with integrated fold-up accessory tray, an integrated smartphone adapter, built-in red LED flashlight, large projected reticle finderscope, erect image optics, and a focus micrometer for easily returning to the same focus point. The Inspire has the easiest setup of any telescope in its class. Simply pop open the tripod legs, turn the lock knob on the accessory tray, and attach the telescope tube to the base using the quick release dovetail mount. You are now ready to observe! The lens cap has an integrated smartphone adapter built into it. Place your smartphone against the rubberized friction surface on the outside of the cap so your camera is viewing through the imaging port. Secure the smartphone using the two adjustable bungee cords. The inside of the lens cap has a fitting that secures to your eyepiece using two set screws. Voila! You are now ready to take high power images through the telescope. The mount has a red LED flashlight built-in. Turn the flashlight on to illuminate your accessory tray with a soft red glow. The flashlight can easily be removed from the mount to provide red light where you need it most. The focus micrometer is a numbered scale that indicates the focuser’s position. It allows quick return to a specific focus point for specific targets such as a bird nest, infinity focus, etc.
309,00 €
Reolink Argus Eco kaamera
Tootekood: CAARGUSECO GTIN: 9992167898860 Veebikaamerad
Truly Wire-Free WiFi Outdoor Rechargeable Security Camera Works cable-free with rechargeable battery and reliable WiFi connection. Flexible and weatherproof – you can put it anywhere with 5-minute installation! Truly Wire-Free over WiFiNo wiring hassles! Based on 2.4 GHz WiFi and works independently. Put It AnywhereOutdoors, indoors, anywhere with WiFi network covered. IP65 Certified WeatherproofWorks well even in demanding conditions, rain or shine. Rechargeable BatteryLong lasting power per charge; saves your money. Solar PoweredConnect the camera to Reolink Solar Panel to get non-stop & free power. Low-Battery NotificationsInform you when battery capacity reaches 10% so you won’t miss it. 1080p Full HDGet crystal and sharp videos/images with true 1080p Full HD. 33 Feet Night VisionSee clearly in the dark, with up to 33 feet night vision. 100° Wide Viewing AngleWider field of vision to cover more and miss less. PIR Motion SensorSmart PIR sensor detects motion and triggers alerts that really matter to you. Intelligent AlertsGet push notifications, emails, and siren alerts in real time. Customized Voice-Recordable AlertsRecord and broadcast your own alert message when motion is detected. Motion Detection Record (Optional)Save motion events in micro SD card or Reolink Cloud for playback later and backup. Live View Anytime AnywhereStay tuned with your world on phones anywhere & anytime. Two-Way AudioBuilt-in mic & speaker to listen in and talk back in real time. Rapid Wake-UpWake up at once for live view or motion detection. Innovative Installation DesignMounts and other accessories help it blend in any placement.  
1-3 tp
72,00 €
Bresser kaugusmõõtja Range Pro 1300
Tootekood: 4025821 GTIN: 9990431556447 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Whether for golf, archery or hunting, the BRESSER Range Pro 1300 Laser Rangefinder is the perfect tool for measuring distances. The rangefinder is very easy to use: simply look through the eyepiece, point the crosshairs at the target object, and then press the button. The distance (within a measuring range of 5 to 1100 metres will then appear on the display. Thanks to the 905 nm laser beam, the rangefinder can determine the distance in fractions of a second.Versatile laser rangefinder for multiple applicationsDepending on the application, the laser measuring device provides a wide range of useful functions. For example, when you’re playing golf, you can use the flag mode, which ensures that the rangefinder only measures the distance to the flag without accidentally focusing on background targets. Also helpful for successful putting: the golf distance correction function, for which the rangefinder adjusts the distance based on the angle of inclination. The horizontal distance measurement function also allows you to display the angle to the target, in addition to the distance. Other functions of the Range Pro 1300 include a height measurement mode and a speedometer. There is also a fog mode for use in poor weather. This ensures precise measurements even on rainy and foggy days - in all application modes.Laser rangefinder Range Pro 1300 - compact and premium designLightweight and space-saving, the compact rangefinder is ideal for hiking, golfing, hunting and other outdoor activities. The small laser measuring device also comes with great optics that allow you to view distant objects at 6x magnification. The focus can be easily adjusted on the eyepiece from a distance of 5 m. With a field of view of 126 m at 1000 m, you will always have a clear overview of your surroundings. Thanks to the rubber armouring on the splash-proof housing, the laser rangefinder provides a comfortable grip. It also protects against impacts. And when you don’t need it, you can safely store the rangefinder in the practical belt pouch.Measure distance, altitude and speed reliably and easily at the push of a button with the BRESSER Range Pro 1300 Laser Rangefinder.FEATURES Laser rangefinder for golf, hunting, archery and more With angle measurement, speed and height measurement function Measuring range: 5 to 1100 m Distance measurement accuracy: ±1 m < 366 m, ±2 m < 732 m, 0.5% > 732 m Different modes: Distance measurement including scan mode, flag mode, golf distance correction, horizontal distance measurement, vertical height measurement, speed measurement With fog mode for precise measurements in bad weather Magnification: 6x Lens diameter: 21 mm Field of view at 1000 m: 126 m Minimum focusing distance: 5 m Rubberized housing for optimal grip and impact protection Splashproof (IPX4) Battery operated: 1x CR-2 lithium battery, 3V (included) Displays measurements in metres or yards DELIVERY CONTENT Laser distance measuring device Nylon belt pouch Hand strap Lens cleaning cloth Battery Instruction manual
1-3 tp
192,99 €
Bresser binokkel Wave 12x50
Tootekood: 1331250 GTIN: 9996510418347 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
The BRESSER Wave 12x50 binoculars will help you see the world from a whole new perspective. Do you love watching birds or other animals in their natural environment? Or do you have a passion for architecture and enjoy seeing great cities such as Paris, London or Rome in stunning detail? Regardless of where you are, the 12x zoom will bring you up close to what you want to see. For example, through the binoculars, an animal that is 1200 m away will appear as though it is only 100 m in front of you. At 1000 m, the field of view is 81 m wide. Although slightly smaller than at a lower zoom, this is more than compensated for by the stunningly detailed images. The binoculars are perfect for observing the feathers of your favourite bird or the fascinating features of unique buildings.Wave 12x50 binoculars - crystal-clear images with the right amount of lightIn order to obtain a clear image, the optics must be able to let in as much light as possible. These compact roof-prism binoculars with a large 50 mm lens diameter offer the perfect solution. The prism also features a UR coating to produce a clearer, brighter image, allowing you to keep observing until twilight and in poor light conditions. The full multi-layer coating on the optical surfaces also increases the light transmission and reduces annoying reflections. The Wave 12x50 binoculars are also made with top-quality glass: The premium BaK-4 glass material produces a consistently good image with a high level of detail.Crystal-clear view of faraway objects - with or without glassesVisually impaired observers can use the Wave 12x50 binoculars without removing their glasses. The premium LE eyepieces have a long eye relief, allowing you to see the complete field of view when wearing glasses. With the twist-up eyecups, you can quickly adjust the distance between your eyes and the ocular lenses. In addition, as eyesight often varies between each eye, the binoculars also feature a dioptre adjustment. This allows you to quickly compensate for small differences in vision and keep everything in focus. Adventure in sight with the Wave 12x50 binoculars Whether you’re in the city, countryside or mountains, the robust 12x50 binoculars come with a comfortable neck strap for your outdoor adventures. When you see some interesting, simply grab the binoculars to see it up close! The binoculars also feature a robust central focusing knob made of metal to ensure that everything stays in focus. The Wave 12x50 are also suitable for use in bad weather. The binoculars are waterproof to ensure that no liquid gets inside the housing. They are also designed to withstand fluctuations in temperature: The binoculars are filled with an inert gas to prevent the lenses from steaming up. When you have finished using the binoculars, you can store them safely in the nylon case, which features a hook-and-loop fastener for easy access in the event that you need to remove the binoculars quickly. If you want to stay put and make your observations from the same place, you can use the tripod connection thread to secure the binoculars to a tripod. Then all you need to do is wait until the next optical adventure appears in front of your lenses.Enjoy stunning views 12x bigger - with the BRESSER Wave 12x50 binoculars!FEATURES Powerful roof-prism binoculars with large magnification Designed for use in twilight conditions Magnification: 12 times Lens diameter: 50 mm Prism and lens system made from premium BaK-4 glass material Full multi-layer coating on optical surfaces UR coating on the prism for brighter images Robust central focusing wheel made of metal Dioptre adjustment Twist-up eyecups LE eyepieces for optimal observations with glasses Waterproof Charged with inert gas DELIVERY CONTENT Binoculars Carry strap Nylon case Protective lens cap Protective eyepiece cap  
1-3 tp
215,00 €
Bresser Junior Microscope 40x-640x
Tootekood: 8851301 GTIN: 4007922039299 Varia
Bresser Junior mikroskoop Microscope 40x-640x
1-3 tp
39,90 €
Bresser binokkel Optics Hunter 8-24x50 (1162450)
Tootekood: 1162450 GTIN: 4007922141497 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Hunter 8-24x50; Suurendus: 8-24x; Objektiiv: 50mm; Prisma tüüp: Porro; Kaal: 810g
1-3 tp
67,50 €
Bresser WiFi värviline ilmakeskus 5in1 profi sensoriga
Tootekood: 7002580 GTIN: 9994001076472 Varia
FEATURES 5.7’’ colorful display for time and detailed weather information WIFI connection with internet time synchronization Receives weather data from 5in1 profi sensor and from wireless thermo-hygro sensor via 868 MHz transmission Publish local weather station data on weather underground and weather cloud Displays time, calendar, weekday and moon phase Alarm clock Ice pre-alert function Indoor temperature (°C/°F) and humidity with comfort indication Outdoor/Channel’s temperature (°C/°F) and humidity readings Gust or average wind speed Wind direction (16-direction indicator) Rain rate (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, total rainfall) Weather forecast (sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy, rainy, stormy, snowy) Barometric pressure in relative or absolute readings (hPa, inHg, mmHg) Smart outdoor “Feels like” sensation reading Weather index for outdoor feels like, dew-point, Wind chill, Heat index Max/Min memory records and past 24 hours (hourly record) Hi/Lo alert with flash LED indicator Weather calibration (on set-up UI) 3-mode brightness: Hi / Lo / Off 7 languages for weekday (EN/ DE/ FR/ ES/ IT/ NL/ RU) Support firmware update (TBC) Support a wireless 5-in-1 professional weather sensor (Included) Support up to 7 pcs wireless extra sensors (Optional) (item no. 7009999) DELIVERY SCOPE Main unit Professional 5in1 sensor incl. mounting material 100-240V/50 Hz power adapter and cable  
163,49 €
+0,11 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Mercury 707 AZ2 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10720 GTIN: 6970456095056 Teleskoobid
Mercury-707 on suur samm edasi Mercury-607 mõttes optilise kvaliteedi ja tulemuslikkuse, tema suurem 70 mm kaetud mitme objektiiv ja annab rohkem rahuldust seisukohti tähtede, hele planeedid ja muud öötaevas objekte.Teleskoobi saab vabalt liigutada nii horisontaalselt kui vertikaalselt telge ja on varustatud micro-reguleerimine kõrguse kontroll.
1-3 tp
129,00 €
−1,00 €
Bresser Hunter 10x50
Tootekood: 1151050 GTIN: 4007922141466 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Hunter 10x50, Suurendus: 10x, Objektiiv: 50mm, Prisma tüüp: porro, Kaal: 705g
1-3 tp
58,00 €
Bresser Junior Microscope Set Biolux CEA 40x-1024x USB
Tootekood: 8855000 GTIN: 4007922152738 Mikroskoobid
More than a classic microscope. It has a robust finish, a case for easy transportation, is versatile and can be connected to your PC; Magnification: 40x-1024x; Lenses: 4x,10x,40x; Eyepieces: 10x,16x; USB eyepiece for PC ...
133,00 €
Bresser Corvette 15-45x60
Tootekood: 4321000 GTIN: 4007922040714 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser vaatlustoru Corvette 15-45x60
1-3 tp
158,99 €
Bresser binokkel Optics Zoomar 8-25x25 Monocular (1662525)
Tootekood: 1662525 GTIN: 4007922007403 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Handy zoom monocular with high magnification range. Ideal for tours and excursions; Magnification: 8-25x / Objective diameter: 25mm / Multicoated optics; Optical System: Roof prisms / Field of view: 70m@1000m (8x) / Luminance: ...
1-3 tp
59,90 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 90 AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822010 GTIN: 50234210638 Teleskoobid
Kui otsite dual-purpose teleskoop sobivad nii maismaa-ja taevalik vaatamise, siis AstroMasterSeries on teie jaoks. Iga AstroMaster mudel on võimeline andma õige vaade maa ja taevas. AstroMaster Series toota kujutised eredad, selged ning Kuu ja planeedid. On lihtne näha, kuudest Jupiteri ja rõngad Saturni iga üks neist suurepäraseid instrumente. Sest seisukohti heledam süvakosmose objekte nagu galaktikad ja udukogud, soovitame suuremat ava ja valguse kogumise võime Newtoni helkurid.     Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup Püsivalt paigaldatud StarPointer; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Quick release dovetail arestimine - no tööriist setup; Pan käepide Alt-Az kontrolli sidur - sujuv ja täpne juhtides; Vastupidav eelpaigaldatud statiiv 1,25 "terastoru jalad - Annab jäik ja stabiilne platvorm; Kõik kaetud klaas optika selge, teravad pildid; Deluxe põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.  
1-3 tp
196,30 €
−52,23 €
Bresser Spezial-Zoomar 12-36x70
Tootekood: 1663670 GTIN: 4007922142029 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Spezial-Zoomar 12-36x70
211,90 €
Bresser Optics Hunter 8x40 (1150840)
Tootekood: 1150840 GTIN: 4007922141442 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser binokkel Hunter 8x40; Suurendus: 8x; Objektiiv: 40mm; Prisma tüüp: porro; Väljumispupill: 5mm; Heledus: 25; Lähim teravustamiskaugus: 5m; Kaal: 740g
47,00 €
Bresser binokkel Optics Universal Smartphone Adapter (4914911)
Tootekood: 4914911 GTIN: 4007922028057 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Bresser Universal Smartphone Adapter
1-3 tp
39,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron PowerSeeker 50 AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 821600 GTIN: 50234210393 Teleskoobid
CELESTRON POWERSEEKER seeria teleskoobid eesmärk on anda Ensiasunnon täiuslik kombinatsioon kvaliteet, väärtus, funktsioonide ja võimu. Pakkudes erakordne väärtus, need teleskoobid funktsiooni kaasaskantav, kuid võimsa kujunduse rohkelt optilise jõudluse erutada iga uustulnuk maailma amatöör astronoomia.   Kiire ja lihtne no-tööriist setup; Aegluubis kontrolli sujuv jälgimine; Püstitada pilt optika - Ideaalne maapealse ja astronoomiliste kasutamine; Täielikult kaetud klaasi optiliste komponentide kõrge edastamise katted tõhustatud pildi heledust ja selgust; 3x Barlow lääts kolmikute suurendusklaasi võimu iga okulaari; Põhjaalus mugavaks hoiustamiseks tarvikud; "TheSkyX - First Light Edition" astronoomia tarkvara 10000 objekti andmebaasis printable taevakaartidel ja 75 täiustatud pilte.  
1-3 tp
60,20 €
−0,03 €
XTAR Laadija VC4
Tootekood: 901-0004 GTIN: 6952918320364 Patareid ja laadijad
Xtar akulaadija VC4 Household battery USB
1-3 tp
16,99 €