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Teleskoobid ja binoklid

Firma: Teleskoobid.ee

Bresser Science ADL 601P mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5770200 GTIN: 9996184716466 Mikroskoobid
Mikroskoobi alumises osas on läbiva valgusega halogeenvalgusti (20 W) ja toiteallikas ning pidevalt reguleeritavad hämardid peegelduva valguse ja läbiva valguse jaoks. Mõlemad trinokulaarmikroskoobi pea kinnitused töötavad kummagi valgustusrežiimiga. Olemas on ka fotode tegemise ning binokulaarse visuaalse vaatluse võimalus. Okulaaride kaldenurk on 30°. Polarisatsiooniotsiku ühendamisel sobib instrument materjalide siseehituse uurimiseks ja erinevate mehaaniliste aparaatide seisukorra jälgimiseks õppeasutustes ja tehastes. Peegelduva valgusega halogeenvalgust (20 W), mis läheb läbi objektiivi objektini, saab spetsiaalsetel eesmärkidel värvilise filternupu ja polarisaatori / analüsaatori kombineerimise abil muuta. Science ADL 601P on väga hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega instrument. Sel on ka teisi omadusi, mis on tüüpilised kõrgekvaliteediliste mikroskoopide puhul: neljakordne objektiivi ninapadi, pikuti ja risti liikuv alus, koaksiaalselt fokuseerivad nupud (puudutavad täppisliikumist: 200 µm / täispööre), silmade vahe reguleerimine, dioptri seadistamine ja fotoelement. Lisavarustusena saadaolevad tavalised tarvikud on laia vaateväljaga okulaarid (WF10x, WF16x), jaotav okulaar (WF10x), erinevad planakromaatilised DIN objektiivid (nt 4x, 5x, 10x, 20x, 40x sissetõmmatav, 100x-õli, sissetõmmatav), Abbe kondensor (apertuurarv 1,25; iirisdiafragmaga ja lisaläätsedega), pimeda vaatevälja kondensorid (kuiv ja õli), õli, faasikontrastsuse komplekt, vaatevälja diafragma (Köhleri valgustuse saamiseks) ja filtrid (sinine, roheline, kollane, lihvklaas, polarisatsioon).
2599,00 €
XTAR Protect 16340 (CR-123) akumulaatorid
Tootekood: 16340 GTIN: 9996625665377 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Xtar 16340 Rechargeable Li-ion battery with 650mAh capacity. Electronically protected against overcharging, over-discharge, overload and short-circuit.
1-3 tp
8,00 €
Rusan Q-R adapter Pulsar Krypton 30mm
Tootekood: ARKFX-30 GTIN: 9995108001008 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Rusan Q-R one-piece adapter for Pulsar Krypton (with screen positioning) Made specially for Pulsar Krypton Sucessfully tested on caliber 9,3 x 64
1-3 tp
179,00 €
Rusan Q-R one-piece adapter for Pulsar Krypton 30mm
Tootekood: ARK2-30 GTIN: 9994309560567 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Rusan Q-R one-piece adapter for Pulsar Krypton (with screen positioning) Made specially for Pulsar Krypton Sucessfully tested on caliber 9,3 x 64
1-3 tp
139,00 €
Spypoint LIT-10 aku
Tootekood: 690912 GTIN: 9998062259911 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
The LIT-10 lithium battery pack from SPYPOINT is the rechargeable power solution for the MICRO family and CELL-LINK. Extend the time between camera visits and save money by not purchasing multiple sets of batteries a year for every device.   • 3.7V• 10,200mAh• AC Charging Cord IncludedCompatible only with LINK-MICRO, LINK-MICRO-LTE, LINK-MICRO-S-LTE, CELL-LINK
1-3 tp
79,90 €
Bresser seinaadapter 12V/2A
Tootekood: 0455121 GTIN: 9994056902689 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
With this adapter, you can operate your Bresser MCX 102/127 Goto telescope, BRESSER 80/400 Goto or National Geographic 70mm/90mm Goto telescope using a 230V~ wall connector.  
49,00 €
Bresser Science IVM 401 mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5790000 GTIN: 9990146188452 Mikroskoobid
At the BRESSER Science IVM 401, the usual direction of illumination and observation is inverted: One illuminates the sample from above and observes it from below. This type allows for the microscopy of sediments and transparent living organisms, which are found at the bottom of a liquid medium. For example, plankton or protozoa at the ground of culture bottles, which should not turn over, can be investigated. So, this special microscope is suitable for public water departments, research institutes, and universities, for medical treatment, animal husbandry, agriculture, limnology etc.The Science IVM 401 has a large fixed object plate with stage moving system, a powerful halogen bulb illumination (30 W) with dimmer and field diaphragm, and a fourfold nosepiece. The trinocular head is turnable and bears 30° inclined eyepiece tubes and a phototube. There are eye relief adjustment and diopter adjustment, as well as coaxial coarse and fine focusing knobs.As accessories, which are available on request, you have a big choice: Widefield eyepieces (WF10x, WF16x), plan achromatic DIN objectives (10x, 25x, 40x), plan achromatic DIN phase contrast objectives with annular diaphragm (10x, 25x, 40x), condenser (working distance 30 mm; with phase contrast), condenser (working distance 70 mm), different filters (blue, green, ground glass) and specimen holders for rectangular or round culture utensils.
2249,00 €
Browning looduskaamera päikesepaneel
Tootekood: BTCSBP12 GTIN: 9996675190072 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Browning’s new solar panel, the Solar Camera Power Pack, provides a constant power supply for your Browning camera trap. This allows your camera to run entirely on the power generated by this compact panel, without having to go back into the field to change the batteries! The Power Pack contains 6x AA NiMH rechargeable batteries that are continuously charged by the highly efficient solar cell. The waterproof solar panel mounts easily to a tree or other fixed object, and is easy to adjust (using the integrated mounting bracket) to maximize solar energy output.
80,00 €
Browning looduslike kaamerate puhul
Tootekood: BTC-BOX GTIN: 9990637081330 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
This all steel security enclosure protects your trail camera against vandalism, theft, or damage. Our security enclosures are supplied with a padlock so that the security box can be locked. Furthermore, the security box itself can be mounted to a tree or other object using screws, but it also has special openings to allow for mounting with a Master Lock python cable. Master Lock Python cable locks are ideal for locking and mounting a security enclosure to a tree or pole, because the cable lock can be tightened all around the stem of the tree or pole.   
1-3 tp
60,00 €
Browning põllukinnitus
Tootekood: BTC-CFM GTIN: 9991267858668 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
With this Browning field camera stand, you can position the camera quickly and accurately. The camera stand is placed in the field and has a universal double tripod screw that swivels completely. The camera support is placed in the field and has a universal double tripod screw which is fully swivelling. This way, the camera can be manoeuvred in almost all conceivable positions. The field camera support is from the Browning brand, but works perfectly with all camera traps with a tripod screw at the bottom (e.g. Browning and Bushnell).  
60,00 €
Browning väline aku
Tootekood: BTCXB GTIN: 9999891283511 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Our new Trail Camera Power Pack will extend the battery life of your Browning Trail Camera in the field. This micro sized battery pack holds 8 AA batteries in the same easy to use battery tray used in the trail cameras. Other features include a built in battery tester and a twist lock plug to lock the power adapter to your Browning Trail Camera. (batteries not included). Comaptible with all Browning Trail Cameras, except the Defender models.  
50,00 €
Bresser Science MPO 401 mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5780000 GTIN: 9993111830219 Mikroskoobid
Erinevalt tavalisest valgusest on polariseeritud valgusel valguslainete eelistatud võnkepind. Polariseeritud valgust näeme anisotroopsetel objektidel, mille vaadeldavad omadused olenevad suunast, "uues valguses": kristallid, kuid ka loomakarvade, sulgede, lihaste, närvikiudude ja taimsete rakkude seinte, millel on eelistatud biomolekulide suund, struktuur näib nüüd selline, mis oli tavalise ereda vaateväljaga kujutises varjatud. Polariseeritud valgusega tehtud kujutisi iseloomustavad sageli fantastilised värvid. Polarisatsiooniga mikroskoope kasutatakse eriti mineraloogias, geoloogias, bioloogias ja meditsiinis. Objekti suuna muutmiseks kontrollitud moel on Science MPO 401 mikroskoobil ümmargune reguleeritava keskkohaga ja üleni pööratav objekti alus koos kraadiskaalaga. Valgutus- ja vaatlussüsteemi kuulub nt hämardiga halogeenlamp (20 W), vaatevälja diafragma (kasutatakse Köhleri valguse saamiseks), 360° pööratav polarisaator (polariseerutud valguse loomiseks), objektiivide ja analüsaatori kinnituse tsentreerimisdetailid (polariseeritud valguse analüüsimiseks). Analüsaatori kinnitus on mõeldud 360° pööratava analüsaatori saamiseks ja liugurid (Bertrandi läätsed konoskoopia jaoks; kvartskiil, » plaat ja »/4 plaati kasutatakse eriliste värviefektide saamiseks). Laia vaatevälja okulaarid (WF10x) paigaldatakse trinokulaarmikroskoobi pea juures 30° kaldega. Neil on silmade vahe reguleerimise ja dioptri seadistamise võimalus. Nendega saadud kujutised on selged, ehtsate värvidega, teravad ja detailirikkad.
2899,00 €
Bresser Science MTL 201 mikroskooop
Tootekood: 5807000 GTIN: 9991857760272 Mikroskoobid
Bresser Science MTL 201 on spetsiaalne peegelduva valgusega mikroskoop, mis võimaldab vaadelda läbipaistmatuid pindu suurema suurendusega (50x-800x). See vastupidava ehitusega instrument sobib ideaalselt tööks metallograafia (nt Metallide ja sulamite poleeritud näidiste vaatlemine mikroskoobiga), mineraloogia, täppistehnika ja elektroonika valdkonnas. See sobib teadusuuringute tegemiseks, esitluse õppimiseks ja tööstustoodangu uurimiseks (nt Kvaliteedikontrolliks). Vastavalt oma eesmärkidele on MTL 201 varustatud suure alusega (250 mm x 230 mm), mida saab kiirreguleerimishoova abil jämedalt ning rist- ja pikisuunalise liigutamise nupuga täpselt liigutada. Fokuseerijal on jäme- ja täppisajam (koaksiaalne; umbes 70 µm/ täispööre). Valgustuse tagab hämardiga halogeenlamp (20 W). Valgus läheb läbi objektiivi ülevalt näidise kohale. Komplekti kuuluvad vaatevälja diafragma, mida on võimalik tsentreerida, mõned filtrid (kollane, roheline, sinine, lihvklaas) ja polarisaator7 / analüsaatori kombinatsioon. Viiekordne ninapadjake on varustatud planakromaatiliste DIN objektiividega (5x, 10x, 20x, 40x, 80x). Trinokulaarmikroskoobi peal on kaks 30° kaldega okulaaritoru ja fotoelement. Okulaaridel (10x suurusega vaateväljaga läätsed) on dioptri seadistamise ja silmade vahe reguleerimise võimalus. Fotoelement võimaldab digifotode tegemist nt lisavarustusse kuuluva arvuti okulaariga.
2800,00 €
Pulsar Celestron 9mm Kellner 1.25” okulaar
Tootekood: 810250 GTIN: 9994647792194 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Kellner eyepieces are simple designs intended for use on telescopes with apertures not larger than f/8.0.
1-3 tp
15,00 €
OVL 1.25” Kuu/planeedi filtrikomplekt
Tootekood: 20202 GTIN: 9995961721068 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Comprises 4 x high quality glass colour filters.  Yellow, Red, Green & Moon/Neutral Density Filters included.  These filters will fit most internally-threaded eyepiece barrels of 1.25”/31.7mm format. Supplied in attractive foam-lined plastic screw top storage case.  
1-3 tp
47,00 €
OVL H-Beta 1.25” filter
Tootekood: 20204 GTIN: 9990438424336 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
This high performance CCD filter transmits only the Hydogen Beta emission line, and therefore is useful for greatly increasing the contrast of objects that glow in the corresponding region of the spectrum, for example the Horsehead, Cocoon and California nebulae. Recommended for capuring H-beta emitting objects using CCD photography under dark skies      
1-3 tp
25,00 €
Pulsar IR-Flashlight 1/4” tripod socket adapter
Tootekood: 00.90241 GTIN: 9992909792685 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Pulsar IR-Flashlight 1/4” tripod socket adapter
8,00 €
Pulsar Rusan Q-R adapter F135/F155/FN455 65mm
Tootekood: ARF135F155-65 GTIN: 9990168966281 Monteeringud ja adapterid
The Rusan Q-R 65mm cover ring adapter is designed to add a Pulsar Forward attachment to your 65mm lens optics.
179,00 €
Rusan Q-R adapter Pulsar F135/F155/FN455 67mm
Tootekood: ARF135F155-67 GTIN: 9999221612288 Monteeringud ja adapterid
The Rusan Q-R 67mm cover ring adapter is designed to add a Pulsar Forward attachment to your 67mm lens optics.
179,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar 90/900 AZ3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10723 GTIN: 6930096650183 Teleskoobid
Ideaalne High Power Päevane Terrestrial Vaatlused samuti Astronomical kasutamine !! Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR teleskoobid klassikaline kahe-element, õhu vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid. Nad on käibel, suure jõudlusega, kõrge resolutsiooniga instrumendid valmistatud kõrged optilised ja mehaanilised täpsusega. Oma pika fookuskauguste ja lummav, difraktsioon piiratud optilise jõudluse, nad on ideaalne üksikasjalikud suure võimsusega uuring of the Moon, Planetary pindadele ja muudele objektidele meie Päikesesüsteemis, mis annab karge kontrastse pildi.Intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
1-3 tp
295,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200PDS (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10220 GTIN: 9996964967699 Teleskoobid
The award-winning Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-200P is a fantastic choice for intermediate-to-advanced astronomers but also suitable for the very serious adult beginner. With a much larger 200mm of light gulping aperture combined with its superb parabolic optics and superior resolving power, even fainter objects can be viewed. This telescope is a highly capable all-rounder with superb performance for the observation of the Moon, planets, nebulae, galaxies, star clusters, double stars etc.  With a 200mm aperture, this telescope opens up new details in deep sky observing for the observer as compared to smaller telescopes. With 78% more light gathering ability compared to a 150mm telescope, even the delicate spiral arms of many galaxies and additional structures in other nebulae can be observed. Globular clusters, such as the famous M13 cluster in Hercules, can be resolved at their edges to a large degree. The parabolic primary mirror is diffraction limited, allowing sharp images of the object. The very high-contrast optics are optimized by the use of a small secondary mirror and thin secondary mirror spider vanes, allowing sharp and bright planetary observing even at higher magnification. The OTA has a solid 2-inch Crayford focuser for a low image shift focusing - of particular importance at high magnifications and for astrophotography. The use of 2-inch eyepieces allows the maximum possible field of view to be exploited. The telescope has an f5 aperture ratio, putting it in the class of 'fast' Newtonian telescopes, so this telescope is particularly well suited to astrophotography. The 9x50 finder scope is highly useful as you can already see objects due to the large aperture that is not even visible to the naked eye. The OTA is also visually a real gem, featuring an elegant design for the both OTA and finder scope in an aesthetically pleasing shimmering black.
1-3 tp
509,00 €
Vixen 1-8x28 kiik (BDC8 võrguga)
Tootekood: X000244 GTIN: 9990950791947 Vaatetorud
With the new 1-8x28 rifle scope, Vixen is introducing a rifle scope for a wide variety of uses.There are 4 different illuminated reticles to choose from: Reticle 4; Mil slope; BDC8 and 18C.The reticles are in the 1st image plane and enlarge with it.The glass has a 34 mm center tube diameter at the top.The field of view is 35.5 metres on 100 metres. 
999,00 €
Vixen 6-24x58 kiik (BDC võrguga)
Tootekood: X000252 GTIN: 9995696126336 Vaatetorud
The Vixen VII Series 6-24×58 Side Focus Riflescope is a side focus zoom riflescope that features a BDC10 reticle. allows you to adjust your magnification, anywhere from 6-24x magnification; that opens up possibilities. The Vixen VII Series Rifle Scope has fully multi-coated lenses, ensuring that they’re long-lasting and won’t succumb to being scratched easily. With a two body construction, you don’t need to worry about sitting around trying to figure out how to put it together. The Vixen VII Series 6-24×58 Side Focus Riflescope with MD-10 Reticle is super easy to use and install.
849,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200P F/1000 (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10923 GTIN: 9992707318223 Teleskoobid
With a 200 mm aperture, this telescope opens up new details in deep sky observing for the observer as compared to smaller telescopes. With 78% more light gathering ability compared to a 150 mm telescope, even the delicate spiral arms of many galaxies and additional structures in other nebulae can be observed. Globular clusters, such as the famous M13 cluster in Hercules, can be resolved at their edges to a large degree. The parabolic primary mirror is diffraction limited, allowing sharp images of the object. The very high-contrast optics are optimized by the use of a small secondary mirror and thin secondary mirror spider vanes, allowing sharp and bright planetary observing even at higher magnification. The OTA has a solid 2-inch Crayford focuser for a low image shift focusing - of particular importance at high magnifications and for astrophotography. The use of 2-inch eyepieces allows the maximum possible field of view to be exploited. The telescope has an f5 aperture ratio, putting it in the class of 'fast' Newtonian telescopes, so this telescope is particularly well suited to astrophotography. The 9 x 50 finder scope is highly useful as you can already see objects due to the large aperture that is not even visible to the naked eye. The OTA is also visually a real gem, featuring an elegant design for the both OTA and finder scope in an aesthetically pleasing shimmering black.
450,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-130PDS (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10219 GTIN: 9992124903507 Teleskoobid
This telescope is a good starting point for new amateur astronomers. With 30% more light gathering capacity than a 114mm telescope, even more, fascinating celestial objects can be observed by amateur astronomer newbies. The 130mm aperture and 650 mm focal length high-performance optics allow you to observe many nebulae and other DSOs. With an f5 aperture ratio, the telescope is also ideal for wide field observing. Breathtakingly beautiful Open clusters are well worth seeking out too. Its short length means that the telescope is very stable, even on smaller mounts, with vibrations damping down very quickly. The external design can also be considered a real gem, boasting an elegant design of the highest calibre.   Advantages: 344X light gathering power vibration resistant and wind insensitive due to the compact design diffraction limited parabolic primary mirror high contrast image due to extra-thin secondary spider vanes highly portable and quickly assembled
1-3 tp
320,00 €
Vixen vintpüsside kaitsekate M
Tootekood: X0023952K1000 GTIN: 9990429163015 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Size S for Rifle Scopes 1-4x24 - 1.5-4.5x24 Size M for Rifle Scopes 1.5-6x42 - 2.5-10x50 Size L for Rifle Scopes 2.5-10x56 - 5-20x50
13,00 €
Vixen vintpüsside kaitsekate S
Tootekood: X002395GHP000 GTIN: 9999989111474 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Size S for Rifle Scopes 1-4x24 - 1.5-4.5x24 Size M for Rifle Scopes 1.5-6x42 - 2.5-10x50 Size L for Rifle Scopes 2.5-10x56 - 5-20x50
12,00 €
Omegon Kastesoojendi 30cm
Tootekood: 53512 GTIN: 9991754174202 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Omegon Kastesoojendi 30cm  
1-3 tp
59,00 €
Omegon Kütterihm Kütteriba - 70cm 7’’ OTA jaoks
Tootekood: 53516 GTIN: 9992932119046 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Omegon Kütterihm Kütteriba - 70cm 7’’ OTA jaoks
1-3 tp
69,00 €
Reolink 4.5m Päikesepaneeli pikenduskaabel
Tootekood: CASOLARCABLE GTIN: 9993349069702 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Extend the original cable (4m) by connecting this weatherproof extension cable (4.5m). It will be easier to put your solar panel in an appropriate place to maximize sun light exposure.  
1-3 tp
18,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher EQ3 Equatorial mount PRO SynScan
Tootekood: 20230 GTIN: 9999785213891 Teleskoobid
The EQ3 SynScan mounts are the perfect instrument for novice visual observers to enjoy astronomy with minimal setup time and in-depth knowledge of the night sky.  For novice users, the user-friendly menu allows automatic slewing to 42,900+ objects. With the EQ3 SkyScan Pro, Skywatcher offers a completely equipped GoTo mount for compact telescopes. Especially when easy transport is important for you, this GoTo mount is an interesting alternative. It offers the same functionality as bigger computerized mounts. Even astro photography with moderate focal lengths is no problem with the solid mechanical system and the auto guider compatibility.
1-3 tp
659,00 €
Reolink Go aku
Tootekood: CAREOLINKGOBATTERY GTIN: 9991989430104 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Reolink Go kaamera aku
60,00 €
Omegon roostevabast terasest statiiv
Tootekood: 33584 GTIN: 9993918304715 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
This stainless steel tripod provides a much more stable base for the telescope mount compared to models made from aluminium. It is exactly this steadiness that the quality of your observing ultimately depends on. The three steel legs are additionally reinforced by a metal plate giving you a tripod that will not wobble during your observing. The metal plate also has holes provided for holding your eyepieces during your observing sessions.
1-3 tp
149,00 €
Dörr puidust kruviadapter
Tootekood: 204465 GTIN: 9996973307073 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Dorr Tree Screw 1/4" on mõeldud kasutamiseks koos WildSnap ja Wildcam X kaameratega. Lihtne kasutada ja kinnitada kaamera puu külge.    
1-3 tp
14,90 €
Sky-Watcher Evoframe™ pöörlev adapter Evostar-72ED
Tootekood: 20500 GTIN: 9993811421403 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
• Allows Easy 360° Rotation of the Camera for Image Framing • Anti-slip security thread • Anodised Aluminium  
30,00 €
Sky-Watcher pikendustoru 21.5cm
Tootekood: 20313 GTIN: 9992691082506 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Constructed from cast aluminium. 215mm overall length. Base and top platform diameter 70mm. Female 3/8” thread on base. Male threaded 3/8” screw connector on top platform (top platform separable from main body). 
41,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-90/900 EQ-2 teleskoop
Tootekood: SK909EQ2 GTIN: 6930096650190 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR-90 (EQ2) teleskoop on klassikaline kahe-element, õhu vahedega akromaatiline teleskoop. See on silmapaistev, suure jõudlusega, kõrge resolutsiooniga instrument toodetud kõrgeid standardeid optiliste ja mehaaniliste täpsusega. Oma pika fookuskauguse ja lummav, difraktsioon piiratud optilise jõudluse, see on ideaalne üksikasjalikud suure võimsusega uuring of the Moon, Double-tähed, planeedid ja muud esemed meie Päikesesüsteemis, mis pakub karge kontrastse pildi. Komplektis EQ2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondatud, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
1-3 tp
295,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-80/400 AZ-3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10729 GTIN: 6930096650411 Teleskoobid
Ideaalne vahend laia välivaatlusi Päikesesüsteemi objektide, sealhulgas Nebulae, Star Fields, Star parvede ja galaktikate, Moon, hele planeedid ja Komeedid, samuti päevasel maapealse tähelepanekuid, kui kasutada koos 1,25 "püstitamise prisma (ei ole kaasas). seda laia valdkonda, lühike toru teleskoop on suurepärane, sest fikseeritud ava objektiiv nii Astrophotography ja maismaa fotograafia. Tema "kiire" fookuskauguse suhe muudab kasulik hõivamiseks Kuu ja päikesevarjutused samuti looduse fotod.Intuitiivne ja lihtne kasutada AZ3 Alt-asimuudi mount tagab suurepärase stabiilsuse ja täpse kontrolli kaudu oma aegluubis kaablid, nii horisontaalselt (asimuut) ja vertikaalne (kõrgus) suunas.
1-3 tp
269,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Mercury 607 AZ-2 teleskoop
Tootekood: T-104 GTIN: 6930096600232 Teleskoobid
Väga taskukohane Sky-Watcher Mercury-607 võimaldab noorema kasutajal võtta oma esimesed sammud põnev maailm astronoomia. Kuigi sarnane paljude teiste algajate refraktor teleskoobid turul Mercury-607 on varustatud hea 1.25 "okulaarid ja tarvikud (0,96" või hübriid 1,25 ") ja lisaks okulaarid on spetsiaalselt valitud, et anda palju kasulikku ja praktilisemaid suurendused (mis ei ole ebareaalselt liiga kõrge!), et parandada oma vaatamise kogemus. teleskoobi saab vabalt liigutada nii horisontaalselt kui vertikaalselt telje ja on varustatud micro-reguleerimine kõrguse kontroll. Sobib vaatamiseks Kuu, tähed ja hele planeedid samuti päevasel maapealse tähelepanekuid.
1-3 tp
115,00 €
Baader Baader Planetarium solar viewers
Tootekood: 2459294 GTIN: 4047825038340 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
The Solar Viewers by Baader Planetarium are a high-quality product which is extremely well suited for naked-eye solar observations. The most common use-case for them is solar eclipses.As the moon passes slowly in front of the sun, you can easily observe how the sun disappears behind it through the Solar Viewer. The spectacular event of a total solar eclipse itself, which usually lasts only for a few minutes, should then be enjoyed without the glasses and safely with the naked eye.CE / ISO certified: conforms to and meets the transmission requirements for eye safety: EN ISO 12312-2:2015 – Instructions in four languages (English, German, French, Spanish) on the inner side of the solar viewer.
1-3 tp
5,00 €
OVL 1.25" 3x Barlow lääts
Tootekood: 20285 GTIN: 9995589756275 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Premium x3 Barlow Lens consisting of four lens elements.Fully Multi-Coated. Brass Compression Ring to hold eyepieces.
95,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-90/900 EQ3-2
Tootekood: 10725 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher EVOSTAR teleskoobid klassikaline kahe-element, õhu vahedega akromaatiline Refraktorid. Nad on käibel, suure jõudlusega, kõrge resolutsiooniga instrumendid valmistatud kõrged optilised ja mehaanilised täpsusega. Oma pika fookuskauguste ja lummav, difraktsioon piiratud optilise jõudluse, nad on ideaalne üksikasjalikud suure võimsusega uuring of the Moon, Planetary pindadele ja muudele objektidele meie Päikesesüsteemis, mis annab karge kontrastse pildi. Komplektis EQ3-2 Ekvatoriaal-mount, mis siis, kui polaarne joondus, mis võimaldab teil kergesti jälgida objekte, kui nad liiguvad öösel taevas kaudu oma aegluubis kontrolli kaablid.
1-3 tp
425,00 €
Helios Fieldmaster 8x40
Tootekood: 30692 GTIN: 9991212777280 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Helios Fieldmaster binoculars with 8x magnification and 40 mm lens diameter. All Fieldmaster models feature BaK-4 glass prisms and multi-coated optics. A large distance from the eyes means that the binoculars will also be suitable for people who wear glasses. Connects to a stand, comes with a case and a neck strap.    
1-3 tp
85,00 €
Tootekood: 30276 GTIN: 9994958079120 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
HELIOS NATURESPORT 8-20X50 ZOOM binoculars with variable magnification. It has a high-quality lens coating, BK-7 prisms that will allow you to see the details of the observed object, while the 6.3 mm exit lens will provide bright and high-quality images even in poor lighting. The binoculars have a convenient focus function on the central axis, a rubber coating and weigh 900 grams.
1-3 tp
169,00 €
Celestron FirstScope accessory kit
Tootekood: 822031 GTIN: 9991738150963 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
If you have a Celestron FirstScope telescope and want even more versatility and portability, take a look at the Celestron FirstScope Accessory Kit!  It includes six separate pieces that will enhance your observations and help you learn even more about the Universe.  Get Help Finding Objects When you are observing something big, like the Moon, it is fairly easy to point your telescope along its line of sight and get that object in your eyepiece.  However, smaller objects are much easier to locate in your telescope if you have a finderscope to help do the work.  This 5x24 finderscope and bracket is made to attach to the FirstScope without tools.  It magnifies the view by 5X and has optics 24 mm in diameter.  Once you have attached the finderscope to your telescope tube and have done some simple alignments, you will be able to point with the finder instead of the telescope itself. Choose Your Magnification Anyone who has a telescope will tell you that you can’t have too many eyepieces.  Every eyepiece offers a different magnification and a different field of view.  In the FirstScope Accessory Kit, you will get two 1.25” eyepieces.  One is a 12.5 mm model, and will magnify objects 24X more than your eyes alone can see.  The second eyepiece is a 6 mm, and will boost the power even further, to 50X.  Remember, the lower the number of the eyepiece, the higher the magnification! See More Detail on the Moon The Moon is beautiful, but it is bright, especially when full.  A Moon Filter works the same way sunglasses do for your eyes on a bright, sunny day.  The filter lowers the amount of light reaching your eye, and allows it to relax and see details that would not be visible in an unfiltered view of the Moon due to glare.  The Moon Filter screws onto the barrel of all of your 1.25” eyepieces, giving you a choice of filtered magnification. (Note: Do not use the Moon filter for solar observation.) Learn More About the Sky Starry Night Basic Edition is included in the FirstScope Accessory Kit.  The software can be downloaded on your PC (Windows 7, XP, and Vista) or Mac (10.4.8 or later) computers.  Learn the constellations, print out star charts for an upcoming observing session, and learn how to identify planets and stars, and more! Store & Carry Your Telescope Easily When your FirstScope telescope and accessories are not in use, store them in this nylon tote bag!  Having everything together in one easily-identifiable carry bag will make it even quicker to grab your telescope and get outside to see the latest comet, bright, shining planet, or lunar eclipse! Kit includes:         Moon filter and two eyepieces with 24X and 50X magnification; The 5x24 finder scope makes locating objects much easier; Take your FirstScope telescope anywhere with the nylon carry bag; Learn more about the night sky with BONUS Astronomy Software download.
1-3 tp
30,00 €
Omegon 1.25’’ T2 30mm kaamera adapter
Tootekood: 33232 GTIN: 9996929883934 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Omegon 1.25-inch eyepiece to T-2 thread adapter Do you have a T-2 thread on your telescope or accessory, but want to adapt it to a standard 1.25" eyepiece? The 1.25" eyepiece to T-2 thread adapter allows you to do this straightforwardly for eyepieces or cameras with a 1.25" connector. There are many good reasons for using this adapter The possibilities are incredibly diverse - connecting to a filter wheel, to another adapter with T-2 thread, with an off-axis guider for astrophotography or visual observing. The most common adapter types in amateur astronomy are the 1.25" and T-2 standards. This allows you to find the right solution.
1-3 tp
25,00 €
Omegon Adaptors Adapter of 2’’ on T2, optical path only 3 mm
Tootekood: 4573 GTIN: 9995315206500 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Omegon 2” T-2 adapter - Focal camera adapter for SLR cameras   This 2“ camera adapter allows you to quickly attach your SLR camera to any telescope with a 2” focuser. Your camera is then securely attached to the telescope and ready for your nocturnal photo sessions.   You can simply attach your camera to the telescope A T-2 thread permits virtually any camera to be attached and subsequently connected to the telescope. For SLR cameras, for example, you will only need the correct T-ring for your camera model - it is that simple. The adapter has a 2” barrel on the telescope side which is compatible with 2” focusers. With a 50.8mm outside diameter and compact design, any possible shadowing is clearly reduced as compared to 1.25” adapters.   Very short optical path The Omegon 2“ camera adapter intrudes very little. The light path is extended by only 3mm, which is good news for the focus position as it is hardly changed. Even focusers with little latitude for adjustment are usually absolutely no problem.   The advantages in a nutshell: 2" diameter T-2 focal adapter fits into all 2“ focusers T-2 external thread on the accessory side safety groove to stop lens falling out black anodized to minimise reflections filter thread for 2“ filters
1-3 tp
35,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyhawk-114PS (AZ PRONTO)
Tootekood: 10258 GTIN: 9992993134774 Teleskoobid
Viegli lietojams Grab-and-Go teleskops. SKYHAWK-1145PS ar 114 mm lielo gaismas savākšanas apertūru un lielisko parabolisko primāro spoguli ir vispusīgs teleskops Mēness, spožo planētu, miglāju, galaktiku un zvaigžņu kopu novērošanai. Labi izstrādātā un viegli lietojamā AZ PRONTO Alt-Azimuth montāža nodrošina lielisku stabilitāti un precīzu vadību, izmantojot lēnās kustības troses, gan horizontālajā (azimuta), gan vertikālajā (augstuma) asī. Ideāls teleskops iesācējiem.
1-3 tp
235,99 €
Teleskoop Bresser Messier NT-130/1000 EXOS-1
Tootekood: 4730107 GTIN: 9992817415157 Teleskoobid
Ekvaatorilisel monteeringul peegelteleskoop NT-130 on enim ostetud teleskoop Eestis. Sellega näeb Kuul ohtralt kraatreid, Saturni rõngaid, Jupiteri kuulsaid kuid ja pilvevööndeid. Sobib alustavale astronoomiahuvilisele ning võimaldab ka peafookuses fotosid teha.
1-3 tp
549,00 €
Celestron 1.25" universal Barlow and T-adapter
Tootekood: 820740 GTIN: 9993651440589 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
This 1.25” accessory can be used three ways: as a 2X Barlow for visual use, as a prime focus T-adapter, or as a “Barlowed” T-adapter for double the magnification and the benefit of extra inward focus travel. The Universal Barlow & T-Adapter can be used as a 2X Barlow right out of the box. Insert any 1.25” eyepiece into the chamber and you’ll enjoy double the magnification while retaining all the eye relief of the inserted eyepiece. The Celestron Universal Barlow & T-Adapter can also be used for prime focus photography, which means you use the telescope as a photographic lens—a very big photographic lens! Just unscrew the bottom section of the unit to remove the Barlow and slide the chrome barrel into the telescope’s 1.25” focuser or adapter. Lock it firmly in place with the focuser or adapter thumbscrew. T-threads on the top of the adapter screw into a T-Ring (sold separately) that is designed to attach to the brand-specific mounting flange of your DSLR or SLR camera.
1-3 tp
40,00 €