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Teleskoobid ja binoklid

Firma: Teleskoobid.ee

Teleskoop Celestron Teleskoop CPC DELUXE 925 HD
Tootekood: 821835X GTIN: 9993774045968 Teleskoobid
GENERAL FEATURES EdgeHD Optics Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings Fully computerized dual fork arm Altazimuth mount 50 mm finderscope to help accurately find objects Heavy-duty tripod makes attaching the telescope so easy you can do it in the dark; also features sturdy 2"; stainless steel legs and aluminum accessory tray 23 mm, 82 degree Luminos Eyepiece - 2" Ergonomic design allows you to comfortably lift and move the telescope from location to location Star diagonal provides a more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky Convenient remote hand control holder holder allows you to view information hands-free while using the scope Mirror Support Knobs hold the mirror in place and reduce image shift during imaging   COMPUTERIZED MOUNT FEATURES Proven NexStar computer control technology SkyAlign allows you to align on any three bright celestial objects, providing a fast and easy alignment process 40,000 object database with over 100 user-definable objects and expanded information on over 200 objects Custom database lists of all the most famous deep-sky objects by name and catalog number; the most beautiful double, triple and quadruple stars; variable stars; solar system objects and asterisms Re-designed drive base and drive mechanics with spring loaded RA worm block with enveloping brass teeth Re-designed electronics deliver constant regulated power to the motors making them capable of driving the telescope even when not perfectly balanced Computer assisted All-Star polar-alignment Flash upgradeable hand control software and motor control units for downloading product updates over the Internet Permanent PEC Auxiliary port for additional accessories such as Autoguider NexRemote telescope control software and RS-232 cable included for advanced control of your telescope via computer
4949,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skyliner-150/1200 Parabolic 6” teleskoop
Tootekood: 10716 GTIN: 9997896976223 Teleskoobid
Dobsonian teleskoobid pakuvad uskumatu ava-to-hinna suhe.Dobsonian mount, populariseeris John Dobson sisse 1970.s, on lihtne ja tõhus meetod paigaldus Newtoni reflektor, mis põhineb Alt-asimuudi peamine. Kiire ja lihtne üles seada, Dobsonian mount koosneb box-tüüpi kinnitus, mis võimaldab teleskoop pöörlema ​​kõrgusel, kui kast ise pöörleb baasi asimuut. Saladus disain on korralikult tasakaalus optiline toru ja kasutada hõõrdumisel materjalid, mis võimaldavad seda liigutada lihtsalt kui mõjul kuid jääda asendis mitte.Mount eesmärk on juhtida käsitsi, mitte aegluubis kontrolli. Sky-Watcher Dobsonians annavad hea ülevaate ümbritsevast täitmise jälgimise Kuu ja planeedid ja Deep Sky objekte nagu galaktikad ja Nebulae.
1-3 tp
420,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-200PDS (EQ-5) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10220/20464 GTIN: 9994406276941 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher Explorer-200PDS Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-200P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography.Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher's Newtonian coma corrector.*Note: the Explorer-200PDS has a larger 58 mm secondary mirror, for enhanced field illumination, compared to the Explorer-200P which has a 52 mm secondary.
1025,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-150PDS EQ-3 PRO SynScan™ teleskoop
Tootekood: 10218/20230 GTIN: 9990434005164 Teleskoobid
The Sky-Watcher EXPLORER-150PDS range of Newtonian Reflector incorporates the same superb mirror-set as the Explorer-150P Black Diamond Series, but with two significant advantages. A Dual-Speed 10:1 ratio focuser is now included for excellent focusing precision. Also, the tube length has been slightly shortened to optimize performance for prime-focus photography.Even better performance for astrophotography and visual use can be achieved when used in combination with Sky-Watcher’s Newtonian coma corrector.
1120,00 €
LONG 6V 4.5Ah Aku
Tootekood: LONG64.5 GTIN: 9996289651495 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Long external battery 6V 4.5Ah will be a great help for wildlife cameras, to sustain its power. Battery is durable and you can charge it multiple times.
1-3 tp
20,00 €
National Geographic 3x30 binokkel
Tootekood: 9104500 GTIN: 9992856204811 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
The 3x30 children binoculars is a first entry model with a fair pricing. Compact and with a true center wheel focusing.    
1-3 tp
17,00 €
Sky-Watcher SynScan™ GoTo lisakomplekt
Tootekood: 20107 GTIN: 9995995841053 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Available for easily upgrading the standard (non-PRO) mountings for computerised GO-TO capabilities.  Kits comprise V.3 SynScanTM Flash Upgradeable GO-TO handset, 2 x Stepper Motors for DEC and R.A. Drives, Replacement Control Panel / Motor Board, Hand Control Cable, Cable Clamp and Hand Control Holder (12V D.C. Power Supply required - not supplied).  
1-3 tp
490,00 €
LONG 6V 7Ah Aku
Tootekood: WP7-6 GTIN: 9994181613740 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Long external battery 6V 7Ah will be a great help for wildlife cameras, to sustain its power. Battery is durable and you can charge it multiple times.
13,00 €
Rusan esiserver pöördkeha kinnitamiseks - 30mm
Tootekood: 045-30 GTIN: 9990824318652 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Rusan esiserver pöördkeha kinnitamiseks - 30mm  
1-3 tp
40,00 €
Rusan front foot pivot mount, H12, KR32
Tootekood: 030-12-32 GTIN: 9998661642268 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Rusan front foot pivot mount, H12, KR32
1-3 tp
40,00 €
Teleskoop Omegon N 150/750 EQ-3 teleskoop
Tootekood: 13764 GTIN: 4049467137641 Teleskoobid
See teleskoop on suurepärane algus, et tõsiselt asuda tegelema astronoomiaga. See on varustatud eriti kvaliteetse optika ja stabiilse paigaldusega. Kiirava suhe 1: 5 muudab seda tugevaks valgust koguvaks riistaks, mis avastab vaadeldavate objektide väiksemaidki detaile. Sul on võimalik kõrge resolutsiooniga vaadata selliseid tähestike, nagu M13 või M92. Ka paljud galaktikad või udukogud on nähtavad heas kvaliteedis. EQ3 paigaldus on stabiilsem kui selle eelkäijal EQ2, mis on väiksem, seega paigaldus on palju stabiilsem mitmesuguste vibratsioonide vastu. Samuti on sobiv astrofotografeerimisega alustamiseks. Statiiv on reguleeritav kõrgusele 72 kuni 124 cm.
1-3 tp
339,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 3” f/300 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10212 GTIN: 6970456092253 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher Heritage-76 on spetsiaalselt projekteeritud, et tähistada rahvusvahelist astronoomia aasta (Iya) ja 400. aastapäeva Galileo esimesed teleskoobiga. See ei ole mitte ainult väga funktsionaalne täpsusega optiline instrument, vaid ka ilus kokkuostja tükk, laud või riiul ornament ja ideaalne kingitus. Ilus, luksuslik toru graafika kujutatakse rikkalikult ajaloolisi teema.Pildid on spetsiaalselt projekteeritud, et sümboliseerida Galileo ja tema vastuolus katoliku kirik. Galileo Galilei avaliku championing Koperniku teooria heliocentrism, mis oli vastuolus maakeskne uskumused ajal, lõpuks viinud ta hukka rooma inkvisitsioon. Ta oli hiljem proovinud, keda kahtlustatakse ketserlus, sunniti seisukohtadest lahti ütlema ja veetis oma ülejäänud elu koduarestis. Muidugi Galileo, "isa kaasaegse teaduse" ja "isa kaasaegse vaatlusandmeid astronoomia" oli osutunud õige lõpuks. Teleskoobi toru on ka kaunistatud sõna "Galileo 400" ja "Rahvusvaheline astronoomia aasta", samuti peamisi kuupäevad eluiga Galileo. Teleskoop on varustatud, nagu standard, koos 5x suurendus Finderscope jaoks lihtne asukoha öötaevas objektide kohta. Ka kaks tarnitud okulaarid on spetsiaalselt ümberehitatud kvaliteetsemat Super Muundatud Achromats suurendada oma vaatepildi.Teleskoop aktsepteerib standard 1,25 "aksessuaarid nii suurendusulatuses saab hõlpsasti laiendada täiendava 1,25" okulaaride ja / või Barlow lääts. Tüsistusteta käsijuhtimisega Dobsonian alt-asimuut mount muudab mugav, väga kantav, ostke-and-go süsteem.Täielik teleskoobi ja mount tuleb täielikult monteeritud otse karbist. Saadaval esitlus Giftbox.
1-3 tp
94,00 €
Rusan kruvi pöördtelje tagumise jala jaoks
GTIN: 9993463670549 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Rusan kruvi pöördtelje tagumise jala jaoks  
1-3 tp
1,00 €
Rusan tagumine jalg pöördkeha kinnitamiseks, H4.0
Tootekood: 031-4.0 GTIN: 9998358263868 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Rusan tagumine jalg pöördkeha kinnitamiseks, H4.0
1-3 tp
32,00 €
Rusan Rusani kruvi pöördtelje esijala jaoks
GTIN: 9990758500901 Monteeringud ja adapterid
Rusani kruvi pöördtelje esijala jaoks  
1-3 tp
1,00 €
Celestron Nikon T-rõngas
Tootekood: 820834 GTIN: 9992538274118 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
A T-Ring is one of the first accessories you will need if you want to take pictures through a telescope or spotting scope. If you have a Nikon SLR or DSLR camera body, the Celestron Nikon T-Ring is the one for you. In order to use the Nikon T-Ring, remove the lens from your camera, and attach the T-Ring in its place, just as you would if you were mounting a lens. The telescope side of the T-Ring has threads that will accept a variety of camera adapters, including the Celestron T-Adapter or Tele-Extender. The adapter you choose depends on the type of photography you wish to do.
1-3 tp
29,00 €
Dörr Alpina LX Porro Prism 12x50 binokkel
Tootekood: 536103 GTIN: 9998305624568 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Universal binoculars of the classical porro prism design. For comfortable and strain free observations, all 5 binocular types are fitted with a comfortably large centre focus wheel, retractable eye-cups for eyeglass wearers and a solid rubber armour. The multicoated optics and the BK7 prisms provide reflection free viewing impressions of rich contrasts. Supplied with case.
1-3 tp
70,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Infinity-76/300 teleskoop
Tootekood: 10942 GTIN: 6930096600225 Teleskoobid
The SkyWatcher INFINITY-76 Telescope has the Aspherical Technology usually only found in larger, more expensive telescopes. The primary mirror is altered during polishing to bring the light rays onto a common focal plane, resulting in sharp images full of detail. The INFINITY-76 collects 131% more starlight than the average 50mm toy telescope, bringing hundreds more objects into view. Its intuitive up-down, left-right manoeuvrability makes it a perfect user-friendly telescope for kids. Setting up the telescope is so easy that it is almost ready right out of the box, allowing your kids to easily explore the exciting universe to their hearts' content. Not Your Average Toy Telescope!!
71,00 €
Bresser Science ETD 101 mikroskoop
Tootekood: 5806100 GTIN: 9998024086487 Mikroskoobid
BRESSERi Extended ICD on kõrgekvaliteediline stereomikroskoop, millel on ka läbiva valguse funktsioon. Seda saab kasutada vaatlusuuringuteks meditsiini- ja tervishoiu-, põllumajandus- ja metsandusvaldkonnas, avaliku julgeoleku asutustes, koolides ja teadusuuringute instituutides, samuti väikeste detailide kontrollimisel, kokkupanekul ja parandamisel elektroonika- ja täppisseadmete tööstuses. Selle ulatusliku spektri põhjuseks on Extended ICD mitmekülgsed võimalused.Varustatud alus koos vaadeldava objekti lauaga ja suur kõrguse reguleerimise vahemik võimaldavad vaadelda ka suuremaid objekte. Instrumendil on kaks valgustust (mõlemal 10 W halogeenlamp), mida saab eraldi reguleerida ja kasutada kolmes valgustusrežiimis: läbiv valgus, peegelduv valgus ja ühendatud valgustus. Peegelduva valguse langemisnurka saab muuta ja fikseerida eriti kasutajasõbralikul moel. Vahetatavate laia vaateväljaga okulaaride paar (WF10x) ja stereosuumiga objektiiv (0,7x-4,5x) võimaldavad suurendusvahemikku 7x kuni 45x. Püstised ja sirge küljega kujutised on erksad, tõepärase värviga ning detaili- ja kontrastirikkad. Loomulikult saab reguleerida eraldi silmade vahet ja seadistada dioptrit. 360° pöörataval binokulaarpeal asuvad 45° kaldega okulaartorud.
699,00 €
Zenith Scholaris 400 LED mikroskoop
Tootekood: 60045 GTIN: 9991552311328 Mikroskoobid
The Zenith Scholaris-400 LED Microscope is wonderfully versatile and easy to use the instrument, providing a perfect platform to start discovering the fascinating wonders of the micro-world! Elegantly designed and robustly constructed, the Scholaris-400 makes an ideal beginners microscope. Featuring dual-LED illumination (transmitted and incident) for the examination of a wide variety of specimens. The substage transmitted illumination allows the examination of prepared microscope slides and transparent specimens at 40x, 100x & 400x magnifications, whilst the incident top illumination allows opaque objects (e.g. coins, whole insects etc.) to be observed at 40x & x100. Supplied with an accessory kit, including 5 x prepared slides, 5 x plain slides, coverslips, test tube, pipette, probe, and tweezers. Requires 3 x AA batteries (not supplied). A perfect gift!
1-3 tp
105,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-150PDS (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10218 GTIN: 9998060521454 Teleskoobid
N 150/750 telescope: This versatile Newtonian reflecting telescope provides both beginners and more experienced amateur astronomers plenty of light and high stability for a very modest price. It collects so much light with its generous 150mm diameter that distant DSOs such as the Ring Nebula in Lyra or the Dumbbell Nebula become beautifully visible and globular clusters, such as M13, resolve into a multitude of individual stars at their edges. Planetary observing provides rich detail in images of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. The f5 focal ratio means this reflector falls into the class of 'fast' Newtonian telescopes. This telescope is therefore particularly suitable for astrophotography. The light gathering capacity of the 150 is 460 times greater than that of the naked eye alone (with a 7mm fully dilated pupil). Advantages: relatively high light gathering power thanks to 150mm aperture resistant to vibration and wind due to the compact design diffraction limited parabolic primary mirror high-contrast image due to thin secondary mirror spider vanes portable and quickly assembled exposure times for astrophotography can due to the short focal length
1-3 tp
430,00 €
TS Optics T2 helisema Sony Alpha Nex / E-Mount
Tootekood: 43651 GTIN: 9998532878680 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
This ring lets you connect all Sony Nex3 and Nex5 cameras, and all Sony-á interchangeable lens cameras possessing an E bayonet, to a T2 thread. The optical path is exactly 55mm, from the telescope side T2 thread to the sensor. TS Optics is a Telescopic Service trademark.
1-3 tp
32,00 €
Celestron Omni 4mm (1.25”) okulaar
Tootekood: 810230 GTIN: 9998026676235 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
The 12.5mm medium power Omni eyepiece is a 4 -element premium symmetrical Plössl optical design. Features include blackened lens edges to minimize internal reflection and maximize contrast, multi-layer coating group on each lens surface to maximize light transmission and contrast, and each Omni goes through a two-step anodizing process to prevent reflection from the top eyepiece barrel, unlike most other manufactures who use reflective surfaces.   Threaded barrels accept 1-1/4” Celestron thread-in filters.
1-3 tp
40,00 €
Celestron 5MP HD digitaalse mikroskoobi kujutis
Tootekood: 822492 GTIN: 9992708034993 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
In the classroom, lab, and for any person who has a traditional microscope, Celestron’s 5MP Digital Microscope imager is the perfect tool to capture high resolution images and 30 fps video. Simply assemble the adjustment collar and the imager will replace any standard 23mm or 30mm eyepiece and plug directly in to your Mac (2MP max.) or Windows (full 5MP) PC via standard USB. The Digital Microscope Imager software allows you to easily shoot, save, and share quality images and video and even make notes and highlight areas of your specimen for use in reports or presentations.  
1-3 tp
150,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron AstroMaster 102 AZ teleskoop
Tootekood: 822016 GTIN: 9997747540207 Teleskoobid
Discover our solar system with the Celestron 102AZ! You’ll be ready to observe in minutes thanks to the quick and easy no-tool setup. The 102AZ provides bright, clear images of the Moon, planets, star clusters, and more for great nighttime viewing. Plus, this dual-purpose telescope with erect image optics can also be used during the day. You’ll enjoy viewing lakes, mountain ranges and wildlife by day, then stargazing at night.
1-3 tp
409,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron C11-A XLT (CGE) teleskoop
Tootekood: 820170X GTIN: 9990914130157 Teleskoobid
Special features:11" Schmidt-Cassegrain Optical Tube Assembly;Aluminum Optical Tube;Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings;2800 mm focal length (f/10);40 mm eyepiece included (70x);Visual back allows for use with 1.25" accessories;9x50 finderscope to help accurately find objects;Star diagonal provides more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky;Includes dovetail rail compatible with CGE mount.
3095,00 €
Teleskoop Celestron C9 1/4-A XLT (CGE) teleskoop
Tootekood: 820165X GTIN: 9991401955468 Teleskoobid
Telescope provides a very good image, boasting high contrast and definition and provides a lot of pleasure when planetary observing. The Schmidt-Cassegrain design provides a good all-round system suitable for both observing and astrophotography and with an enormous range of optional accessories available. Using the bottom end of the OTA to look through means easy orientation. The system is also optimal for occasional terrestrial observing, e.g. birdwatching at close range. Celestron SC telescopes have an aperture ratio of around 1:10 which, so astrophotography is also very easily possible.Main mirror focusing means a very large range of focus is made available, which allows virtually any common accessory to be used. Two pre-loaded ball bearings are used in the main mirror focus positioning mechanism in order to prevent 'mirror shift' - a typical problem when using simple bushings. The use of high-quality materials such as CNC-milled aluminum components, cast steel, and stainless steel guarantees extreme robust.KEY FEATURES:9.25" Schmidt-Cassegrain Optical Tube Assembly;Aluminum Optical Tube;Celestron's premium StarBright XLT coatings;2350 mm focal length (f/10);25 mm eyepiece included (94x);Visual back allows for use with 1.25" accessories;6x30 finderscope to help accurately find objects;Star diagonal provides more comfortable viewing position when observing objects that are high in the sky;Includes dovetail rail compatible with CGE mount.
2145,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher ESPRIT-80ED (Triplet OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10243 GTIN: 9995570430986 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher Professional ESPRIT 3-Element ED apochromatic refractors are instruments of the highest quality with optical performance rivaling or exceeding similar telescopes of even the most famous high-end telescope brands. The ESPRIT Super Apo Triplets are designed for the most demanding astro-imagers, for use with the optional M48 field flattener, but are also fine telescopes for visual observations. The premium, superbly-corrected optical systems deliver high-contrast images full of detail and zero detectable color fringing, even on the brightest of objects. FEATURES:  3-Element Objective Lens, Focal Length 400mm (one Ohara FPL53 ED element); Zero detectable Colour Fringing even on Bright Objects; Metallic High-Transmission Lens Coatings; Knife-edge Baffled Optical System; High-precision Mechanical Components; Aluminium OTA material (superior to plain carbon-fiber for this application); Fixed Dew Shield; 2.7” CNC-machined 11:1 dual-speed Linear Power Focuser, rotatable! Focuser with 2” and 1.25” eyepiece adaptors and indexed scale; Zero focus-shift during focusing; High Load Capacity; The smooth focus motion and 11:1 fine focus wheel allows precision adjustment and critical focusing of eyepieces & cameras.
1405,00 €
Pulsar National Geographicu miniprojektor
Tootekood: 9105600 GTIN: 9996777201003 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
National Geographicu miniprojektor
15,90 €
Bresser Optus palielināmais stikls
Tootekood: 9613141 GTIN: 9999269115468 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
The rimless led reading magnifier has a large lens of 88 mm with 2x magnification and additional LED-illumination so that the magnifier is perfect designed as a reading assistance. Furthermore, it is equipped with a second lens of 20 mm with 4x magnification. The LED-illumination of this magnifier and the tow different magnifications make your explorations easier.    
14,95 €
Bresser binokkel Junior 6x21 lastele
Tootekood: 8810625 GTIN: 9997198810836 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
These binoculars allow you to see everything 6 times larger! They are shock-proof, and thanks to the rubberised surface, don't slip out of your hand! FEATURES Center wheel focusing Foldable eyecups for spectacle wearers Adjustable interpupillary distance WHAT'S INCLUDED Binoculars Wrist strap Lens cloth Manual  
1-3 tp
27,90 €
Omegon AC 70/400 Solar AZ BackPack teleskoop
Tootekood: 53090 GTIN: 9994383636448 Binoklid ja kaugusmõõtjad
Ideal for your eclipse trip - the complete telescope set for observing solar eclipsesA solar eclipse is a good reason for taking a trip. It is probably the most exciting drama the heavens have to offer. The Omegon BackPack AZ telescope is ideal for this. It consists of the OTA, a tripod and a solar filter - which all fit in the rucksack provided. It is all so compact that it can fit in any luggage and will give you a great view of solar eclipses.
1-3 tp
140,00 €
1-3 tp
120,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-120 (OTA) 4.75" teleskoop
Tootekood: 10939 GTIN: 9992631719646 Teleskoobid
An amateur telescope with the classical measurements 102 mm aperture with a focal length of 1000 mm. This globally well-known design has been considered as a standard size among refractors for decades.Thanks to the objective´s diameter of 102 mm, you can enjoy detailed planet and moon observations with this telescope. Because of the achromatic objective and the aperture ratio of 1:9.8, the color quality has already been ameliorated.Experience the rings of Saturn which swivel around the second largest planet of our solar system or discover Jupiter with its clouds, the big red spot and its moons which resemble an own small planetary system. But the power and efficience of this telescope are also considerable for Deep Sky observations.Up from this size, nebula filters can be integrated into refractors so that fascinating objects such as the ring nebula appear clearly and contrast in the night sky. The telescope is mounted on an EQ-3-2 mounting.
1-3 tp
415,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-150 (OTA) 6" teleskoop
Tootekood: 10925 GTIN: 9992418335267 Teleskoobid
This refractor provides powerful optics and high resolution for detailed planetary observing. With its 150mm aperture, this achromatic refractor is one of the larger members of this type of telescope. With a focal ratio of f8, the most chromatic aberration is already well corrected. Of course, as a refractor, it provides especially good contrast, which is highly positive for planetary observing. Planet observing, in particular, depends on being able to see individual details, such as the polar ice caps on Mars or the Great Red Spot on Jupiter. There is nothing standing in the way of a quick trip through the solar system! Many DSOs, such as the Ring Nebula or the distant globular cluster M13 are also easily visible. Collecting 460 times more light, it shows objects that are not even to be guessed at with the naked eye alone. This instrument has a 2" focuser and includes a 1.25" reducing adapter, allowing it to be used with both sizes of the eyepiece. Using a 2" eyepiece gives you the widest field of view. So a 2" 40mm eyepiece with a 72° apparent field of view for example, will show you 2.8 degrees of sky. Extended DSOs fit well into this field of view. The 9x50 finder scope is mounted parallel to the telescope OTA and facilitates location of astronomical objects. Astrophotography can also be carried out with this telescope. The Moon, planets, and even most nebulae can be photographed with this system.
1-3 tp
765,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Evostar-80ED DS-PRO 3.1" (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10202 GTIN: 9995546210659 Teleskoobid
The new EVOSTAR DS-PRO Series ED Apochromatic refractors in their stunning Black-Diamond livery, house premium optics of the same quality and performance level as our now legendary Equinox series, making them superb instruments for both imaging and visual observations. Apochromatic Refractors, due to their unobstructed, text-book like diffraction patterns, produce the sharpest, highest quality optical imaging available, bar-none, aperture for aperture, of any telescope optical system. These high-end telescopes all feature a doublet objective lens. One element is made from premium Japanese Ohara FPL-53 Extra-Low Dispersion (ED) glass, which virtually eliminates chromatic aberration to deliver true color reproduction. Top quality Schott glass is utilized for the Crown element. Each air-to-glass lens surface has exotic anti-reflection metallic coatings applied, to ensure optimum light through-put of approaching 99.5%!! The proprietary Sky-Watcher “Metallic High-Transmission Coatings” (MHC) is the finest photon anti-rejection coatings in their class.
700,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Explorer-190MN DS-PRO (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10205 GTIN: 9994702789015 Teleskoobid
AN ASTROPHOTOGRAPHERS DREAM TELESCOPE! The exciting new Maksutov-Newtonian from Sky-Watcher is just what astrophotographers and serious visual observers have been looking for. The Maksutov-Newtonian design combines the best features from the Newtonian Reflector and the Maksutov-Cassegrain to create a telescope design that provides truly stunning image quality, providing high-contrast, perfectly flat images, free from false color. The Maksutov-Newtonian design provides large aperture Apochromatic performance, with exceptional field correction, in a compact, amazingly affordable package. Stars appear as classic pinpoints across the entire field. Perfectly optimized for modern DSLR cameras. The premium optics are housed in a robust rolled-steel tube for excellent mechanical integrity. Five internal knife-edge baffles are included to eliminate internal reflections and further enhance contrast. The Primary Mirror is made of low thermal expansion Pyrex® glass for a significantly reduced cool-down time. Compared to a similarly sized Schmidt-Newtonian, the Maksutov-Newtonian yields a sharper and more contrasty image. Naturally, the Maksutov-Newtonian is an excellent visual performer too!!  
1825,00 €
Spypoint Link Micro LTE looduskaamera
Tootekood: 680600 GTIN: 9998885774462 Looduskaamerad
1-3 tp
230,00 €
Spypoint Link Micro S LTE looduskaamera
Tootekood: 680601 GTIN: 9991889725461 Looduskaamerad
1-3 tp
370,00 €
Reolink Solar Black päikesepaneel
Tootekood: CAREOLINKSOLARBLACK GTIN: 9996699502677 Binoklite ja kaugusmõõtjate lisatarvikud
Connect your Reolink solar powered camera to this solar panel with 4m connection cable (included) to get non-stop power. Designed for: Argus 3, Argus 3 Pro, Reolink Go, Reolink Go PT, Argus 2, Argus Eco, Argus 2E, Argus Pro, Argus PT
35,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Quattro-10S f/4 250mm (steel OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10239 GTIN: 9992615894086 Teleskoobid
The new Sky-Watcher Quattro-10S Steel Tube with fast f/4 focal ratio, have been specially designed for high quality astrophotography with short exposure times. The tube interior has knife-edge ray-traced baffles. 2" DUAL-SPEED LINEAR POWER FOCUSER: The new linear power focuser utilizes 4 precision ball bearings to support the drawtube and provide great stability and zero image shift while supporting a heavy eyepiece or camera. Moving the drawtube by the roller rather than a rack and pinion ensures exceptionally smooth operation, great feel, and precise adjustability. The dual-speed feature has a second focus knob that has a 10:1 speed reduction to provide the super-fine adjustments even the most demanding users can appreciate. PYREX MIRRORS: The primary mirror is made of low thermal expansion Pyrex glass resulting in substantially shorter cooling-down times.
970,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Quattro-8S f/4 200mm (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10238 GTIN: 9998586846604 Teleskoobid
The new Sky-Watcher Quattro-8S Steel Tube with the fast f/4 focal ratio, have been specially designed for high-quality astrophotography with short exposure times. The tube interior has knife-edge ray-traced baffles. 2" DUAL-SPEED LINEAR POWER FOCUSER The new linear power focuser utilizes 4 precision ball bearings to support the drawtube and provide great stability and zero image shift while supporting a heavy eyepiece or camera. Moving the drawtube by the roller rather than a rack and pinion ensures exceptionally smooth operation, great feel, and precise adjustability. The dual-speed feature has a second focus knob that has a 10: 1-speed reduction to provide the super-fine adjustments even the most demanding users can appreciate. PYREX MIRRORS The primary mirror is made of low thermal expansion Pyrex glass resulting in substantially shorter cooling-down times.
750,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-102 (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10671 GTIN: 9995804178554 Teleskoobid
This Travelmax has a diameter of 102mm, a focal length of 1300mm and thus, an aperture ratio of 12,7. The very compact construction and the proportionally long focal length, as it is common with Cassegrain systems, can be transported easily. The light collecting ability is about 212 and thus is much higher than the light collecting ability of the 90mm. Picture errors and disturbances such as aberration and coma are corrected by the meniscus lens. As the lens is processed carefully, you don´t have to face color failures or errors at all. The telescope can also be used as a spotting scope for the daytime observation. However, an amici prism, which should have an insight of 45° for best results, is necessary for this kind of observation. For ornithologists, it serves as an instrument for detailed observation. Of course, this telescope can be connected to a standard camera. If you want to use a common reflex camera, you`ll need a special T-Ring. 
269,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Skymax-127 (OTA) teleskoop
Tootekood: 10672 GTIN: 9994945489703 Teleskoobid
This telescope is already a very compact and powerful telescope for planetary and deep sky observations. Its 127mm aperture Maksutov Cassegrain optics can collect approximately twice as much light as a 90mm telescope. Although the overall length of the tube was maintained at just 33cm, it has its design on a focal length of 1540mm. This enables a high-contrast planetary observation and many recognizable details. Even the most deep-sky observations are possible. The light gathering ability is at 329x of a dark-adapted eye with 7mm. As a spotting scope for nature watching, the look offers a suitable alternative for the low price. There are many adaptations for nature photography available. At 1540mm focal length, for example, there can be bird photography in the low-cost operating area. An integrated T-2 threads make it quite easy to connect an SLR camera. Of course, you can make for example moon shots. The sharpness can be adjusted with a side knob. This moves the primary mirror in the front or rear direction. This mechanism enables a large area for the focus and offers a variety of adaptation possibilities. The external appearance is a real gem: It impresses with its elegant design, tube and finderscope shimmer in an aesthetic black tone.The advantages:Compact optics with long focal length and 127mm aperture;Camera tripod thread connection 1 / 4";High-contrast image;1.25"connection with T-2 thread;Even nature observation and photography possible.
1-3 tp
415,00 €
Teleskoop Omegon N 114/500 EQ-1 teleskoop
Tootekood: 49506 GTIN: 9990615198425 Teleskoobid
1-3 tp
219,00 €
Bresser Bresseri DIN-PL 60x planakromaatiline objekt
Tootekood: 5941560 GTIN: 9990668882968 Mikroskoobi lisatarvikud
BRESSER Planachromat 60x -this DIN-Objectives are processed with the highest quality materials to enhance the image replication.Plan correction minimizes refocus between center and edge of field and is especially useful for imaging.BioScience (5750600)Science TRM-301 (5760100)Science ADL-601P (577020) only for transmission illumination
210,00 €
Bresser Pikendustoru 2”/35mm
Tootekood: 4940170 GTIN: 9999304887367 Teleskoobi lisatarvikud
Extension tube with 2” plug diameter and an extension factor of 35mm. A ring clamp ensures an optimal attachement of 2” accessories. The blackened and ridged inside effectively prevents reflections. Also a 2” filter thread is inside.
29,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-102T (OTA) 4” teleskoop
Tootekood: 10735 GTIN: 6970456092291 Teleskoobid
Ideal for Daytime Terrestrial Observations as well as Deep-Sky Astronomical Use. Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL telescopes are two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractors, that are well proven performers for ‘Rich-Field’ views of comets, star fields, star clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies & planets, the Moon and the Sun (with proper safety filtering!), as well as giving excellent daytime terrestrial views. These wide-field, short-tube telescopes are great as fixed aperture lenses for both Astrophotography and terrestrial photography. Their “fast" focal ratios make them useful for capturing lunar and solar eclipses as well as nature photographs. 
1-3 tp
295,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-120T (OTA) 4.75" teleskoop
Tootekood: 10940 GTIN: 9993007588842 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher STARTRAVEL telescopes are two-element, air-spaced achromatic refractors, that are well-proven performers for ‘Rich-Field’ views of comets, star fields, star clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies & planets, the Moon and the Sun (with proper safety filtering!), as well as giving excellent daytime terrestrial views. This wide-field, short-tube telescopes are great as fixed aperture lenses for both Astrophotography and terrestrial photography. Their “fast" focal ratios make them useful for capturing lunar and solar eclipses as well as nature photographs. 
1-3 tp
369,00 €
Teleskoop Sky-Watcher Startravel-80T (OTA) 3.1” teleskoop
Tootekood: 10734 GTIN: 9990828649837 Teleskoobid
Sky-Watcher Startravel-80T, 80mm (3.1") f/400 Short-Tube Achromatic Refractor Optical Tube Assembly. The compact Sky-Watcher Startravel series are two-element, air-spaced, multi-coated objective, achromatic refractors, and are well proven performers for ‘Rich-Field’ views of star fields, clusters, nebulae, bright galaxies, planets, the Moon and the Sun (with correct safety filtering!), as well as giving excellent terrestrial views. These wide-field short-tube telescopes are also highly portable. They also are popular for use as guide scopes on larger telescopes. All models excel as fixed aperture lenses for both Astrophotography and terrestrial photography. Their “fast" focal ratios make them useful for capturing lunar and solar eclipses as well as nature photographs. Tube material: Aluminium.
1-3 tp
160,00 €