LIX Plus OWH PMW3370 mouse When you first grab the LIX Plus Onyx White, other mice will cease to exist. This bright rodent with ARGB backlighting has everything you need to atomise any challenge. And it has a few other things as a bonus too ;) The LIX Plus Onyx White weighs just 59g and runs on PTFE sliders. We fitted it with a sensitive PixArt PAW3370 sensor (19,000 DPI), which catches manoeuvres of up to 10.16 m/s. That's more than 36 km/h after conversion, so you can go wild on the mousepad just watch out for the soreness, because with the Kailh GM 8.0 microswitches you'll be clicking all the way.
When you buy equipment, sometimes you have to choose between a unique design and good parameters. Luckily, the GEM Onyx has both.It's a lightweight, bright and eye-catching mouse with an ARGB backlight and PTFE feet. Inside of the GEM, Endorfy hid the sensitive PixArt PMW3325 sensor, which stands behind the instant reaction times of your commands.Inside of the GEM housing, Endorfy also enclosed fast and durable Kailh GM 4.0 microswitches. They're small, but they process every click faster than you can say, "Wow!".
LIX Plus PMW 3370 mouse The LIX Plus is our love from the first sight of a click. It sits comfortably in your hand, listens to every command and ploughs along the mouse pad like a racer with an extra engine. On top of that, it's only 59g and has an ARGB that gives it an extra 1,000 epic points ;) It's all down to the thoughtful design and top-of-the-range components we packed into it. Our favourites are the durable Kailh GM 8.0 micro-switches, which have a lifespan of some 80 million clicks enough to keep you glued to the mouse until retirement.... Or even longer, because along with them you get a PixArt PAW3370 sensor (19,000 DPI) that catches manoeuvres of up to 10.16 m/s. With that kind of performance on the meter, you'll crack any challenge (just be careful around corners).
Avastage tõeline hirmu tähendus mängus Alien: Isolation, mille tegevus toimub judinaid ja õõva tekitavas keskkonnas. 15 aastat pärast Alien™ filmis juhtunut hakkab Ellen Ripley tütar Amanda oma ema otsima ning seisab tõe välja ...
Apex 9 Mini klaviatuuri Optipoint optilised lülitid annavad kiirema reaktsiooni ilma põrkekordusteta. Muuda klahvivajutuse reaktsioonikaugust saad valida mänguritasemel 1mm ja sihipärasema 1,5mm vahel. Täielikult vahetatavad lülitid annavad ruumi kohandamiseks ning lisavad klaviatuurile veelgi eluiga.
Tõsta oma lipp kõrgele 6 lisakostüümiga Deluxe Edition'is. Piglinid on ohustamas maailma ära süüa. Kas Sina oled kangelane, mida see hell maa vajab? Seikle rikkalikes bioomides, et leida liitlasi uute sõprade ja vanade tuttavate seas ning seisa vastamisi Piglinitega suurejoonelistes lahingutes. Ole ettevaatlik, nad alati võitlevad vastu.
Ühe põlvkonna auhinnatuim mäng nüüd täiustatud käesoleva jaoks. Oled Geralt Riviast, palgasõdurist koletisekütt. Sinu ees on sõjast lõhenenud, koletisi täis manner, milles rännata kuidas soovid. Sinu praegune ülesanne on leida Ciri: ettekuulutatud laps, elav relv, kes saab mõjutada maailma saatust.
Nõid on tagasi ja võimsaim kui iialgi varem. Bayonetta naaseb täiesti uues ja ülivahvas seiklusmängus. Seisa vastamisi salapärase kurjusega ning kasuta selleks enda erilisi relvasid ja aega pidurdavat võimet.
Hoiusta ja kaitse oma Nintendo Switch konsooli stiilse ja õhukese Deluxe Travel Case ümbrisega. Sisseehitatud statiiviga, millega saad toetada konsooli tundide kaupa liikvel mängides.
Go Beyond the sounds in gaming, music, and movies Introducing the Next Level Racing HF8- Haptic Feedback Gaming Pad. Feel the immersive haptic experience with the eight strategically placed vibration zones that are powerful and localized for precision. The Next Level Racing HF8 is optimized for different simulation games* for a unique in-game experience. The HF8 suits all gaming chair, racing/flight seat styles, and bodies comfortably for the best user experience. The HF8 includes plug-and-play PC software to provide you a multi-channel experience without the need of additional sound cards or amplifiers. *Localization and intensity of each motor can only be adjusted through PC use and HFS software. Console players do not require the HFS software as the eight motors will work collectively through the audio output. NEXT LEVEL HAPTIC EXPERIENCE Feel the sound through your body like never before! The Next Level Racing HF8 eight localized motors have been designed and positioned to suit all genres of simulation. Suiting a wide range of users, the HF8 Gaming Pads tailored design allows a seamless placement on your sim racing seat, flight seat, or gaming chair for eight unique feedback points to be felt comfortably throughout your body. Strap in for a tight fit with the added easy adjustable straps for a suited fit with your gaming chair or racing /flight seat. Designed to heighten your experience for Racing, Flight, and FPS Gaming, you can now feel every road effect, turbulence, and explosion within the game for an even more immersive gaming experience than ever before. Take your esports training and competition to the next level by feeling every action in the moment. If you are already using haptic hardware like ButtKicker or Motion Platforms the HF8 compliments these by adding extra customizations to your experience. COMPATIBLE WITH PC, SUPPORTS CONSOLE A seamless connection for a unique gaming experience. With a direct connection through USB for PC and a 3.5mm audio jack connection to console/audio devices, the HF8 ensures fast, low latency feedback through the eight localized haptic motors. For console users, the haptic feedback is felt through all eight haptic vibration zones simultaneously. In-game telemetry data* for PC games and sound output for console games, provide an immersive experience for racing, First Person Shooter (FPS), and flight. *PlayStation does not have a dual audio output option, making the use of Bluetooth headsets on PlayStation not compatible when using the HF8 Gaming Pad. The HF8 Gaming Pad must be connected to the PlayStation controller via the 3.5mm audio jack. PLUG-AND-PLAY SOFTWARE FOR PC No hassle, just download and play the included Next Level Racing Haptic Feedback Software. Designed and developed specifically for the HF8, you can interact with a growing list of racing and flight titles. The Next Level Racing HFS included PC software makes it seamless for users to enhance the experience with the HF8 Gaming Pad controlling each motor independently. As one of many variations, you can have 4 motors controlling the effects of tires to feel rumble strips independently or have all 8 motors giving vibration for gear changes. You can interact with ready-to-use haptic profiles or create your own for each gaming title, and even share your profile with the gaming community. List of compatible games. Next Level Racing will be continuously updating the HFS software with new gaming titles as they are released. If the title you are looking for is not listed in the HFS software, please contact us at to share your feedback. HF8 Gaming Pad users can also utilize the Simhub software to access a variety of gaming titles and effects to maximize the experience. ** Please note that console players do not require the HFS software as the eight motors will work collectively through the audio output in games, music, or movies. CONTROL YOUR HAPTIC IMMERSION Feel it your way, for PC users. The HF8 can be adjusted based on the desired haptic experience. The HFS software uniquely controls the intensity of each haptic vibration motor within the software to ensure an unbroken immersive experience. The HF8 Gaming Pad allows you to feel and fine-tune your braking, acceleration, rev limiter, speed, engine rpm, ground effect, and suspension in racing games*. While in flight you can control your haptic experience with effects such as flaps, G-force, speed air brakes, ground bumps, damages, stalls, and APU/JFS Running. Each profile and effect intensity can be controlled based on your preference to feel what is immersive to you. SYNC IN FOR MUSIC AND MOVIES Feel the action, feel the beat! Connect to your audio device through the HF8 3.5mm audio jack and adjust the intensity of your haptic experience through the HF8 controller. Feel the ultimate depth of haptic immersion of your favourite action movie by feeling every explosion, punch, and BANG! Translate the low frequency of the audio output into a haptic experience that is felt through all eight haptic vibration motors simultaneously.
Lauamäng "Carcassonne" on maailmakuulus strateegiamäng kogu perele, kus mängijad tõmbavad ruudukujulisi kaarditükke ja panevad nendest kokku mänguvälja, ehitades linnu, põlde, maanteid ja kloostreid. Carcassonne on lihtne strateegiamäng, mille õppimiseks kulub viis minutit, mille ülesseadmine ei võta palju aega ja mis kulgeb ladusalt algusest lõpuni. (Ja seejärel saab alustada jälle algusest.) Mängijad võtavad virnast kordamööda ruudukujulisi kaarditükke ja asetavad neid nii, et linnad ühenduksid linnadega, maanteed maanteedega jne. Mängijad võivad kuulutada linnu, maanteid, kloostreid ja põlde enda omadeks, asetades neile mängunuppe. Carcassonne toob alati kaasa palju üllatusi, sest mänguvälja kuju muutub mängu ajal pidevalt. Soovituslik vanus: 8+ Kestvus: 30 min Mängijate arv: 2-5 Reeglite keel: EE, RU, LV, LT
Nintendo Switch mängud, Get moving with WarioWare: Move It! on Nintendo Switch! Grab a pair of Joy-Con controllers, then gently shake, punch, dance, wiggle, and even curtsey through over 200 lightning-fast microgames (minigames that last just a few hilarious seconds). A second player can use another set of Joy-Con controllers to join the treasure-guarding, sheep-twirling fun. Up to four players, each with one Joy-Con controller, can laugh out loud in the local Party Mode’s minigames, such as a dicey board game with Wario-style rules.
Nanoleaf Lines valguspaneelid pakuvad hämmastavat RGB-valgustust unikaalses modulaarses vormis. Nutikad LED-valgusribad võimaldavad luua seinale keerukaid geomeetrilisi kujundusi. Vali 16 miljoni+ värvi ja dünaamiliste valgustusanimaatsioonide seast, mis voolavad üle kogu paigutuse. Kasuta üksinda või kombineeri Lines 90 kraadi paneelidega veelgi rohkemate disainivõimaluste jaoks. • Starter kit vajalik • Laienda starter kit 3 lisapaneeliga • 20 luumenit paneeli kohta • Eluiga 25,000 tundi • WiFi (2.4 GHz b/g/n) ühenduvus
SANWA® juhtkang ja tegevusnupud, professionaalsete mängijate meelisbränd. Täielik nuppude kaardistamine, loo oma mänguprofiilid NACON DaijaArcade Stick2 tarkvara kaudu, mis on saadaval PC-/Mac-arvuti jaoks. Lukustusfunktsioon, keskendu võitlusele ilma vale nupu vajutamise riskita. Mugavus ja täpsus, tekstuuriga randmetugi ja 2 juhtkangipead tagavad täiusliku stabiilsuse. Heli ja vestlus, 3,5 mm pistikupesa. Kohandatav dekoratiivne esiplaat, vali kahe pakutava mustri hulgast või loo see kaasasoleva tühja malli abil ise.
Logitech PRO 2 LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba mängurihiir on ambideksterne (mõlemakäeline) ja pakub professionaalidele loodud täpsust ja jõudlust. See on varustatud HERO 2 sensoriga, mis tagab kuni 32K DPI ja LIGHTFORCE lülititega, mis ühendavad optilise kiiruse mehaanilise klõpsuga. Hiir on kohandatav magnetiliste külgnuppudega, LIGHTSYNC RGB valgustusega ja pakub ülikiiret LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba ühendust. • HERO 2 sensor kuni 32K DPI • LIGHTFORCE lülitid täpseks ja mehaaniliseks klõpsuks • LIGHTSPEED juhtmevaba ühendus • Ambideksterne disain magnetiliste külgnuppudega • Kohandatav LIGHTSYNC RGB valgustus
Logitech Yeti GX on RGB-valgustusega tippklassi mängurimikrofon, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt striimeritele. Dünaamiline mikrofonikapsel koos Blue VO!CE tarkvaraga tagab ülimalt kvaliteetse heli, vähendades taustamüra ja klaviatuuriklõpse. LIGHTSYNC RGB ja kaks eraldi valgustustsooni võimaldavad luua visuaalselt põneva striimimiskeskkonna, sobitudes Sinu stiiliga. • LIGHTSYNC RGB valgustus • Dünaamiline superkardioidne mikrofonikapsel • Ülekande kvaliteediga heli • Blue VO!CE filtrid ja efektid • Täielik G HUB tugi
Võistle aja vastu, kavalda politsei üle ja võta ette iganädalased kvalifikatsiooniringid, et võistelda Lakeshore ülimal ralliväljakutsel - The Grand. Täida oma garaaž täppistuunitud masinatega ja suundu tänavatele oma stiiliga elava muusikataustaga igas maailma nurgas.
Disney Illusion Island on seiklusmäng, kus saad avastada Disney maagilist maailma nagu kunagi varem. Mängija saab sukelduda võlumaailma, kus kohtub paljude armastatud Disney tegelastega. Koge mängu, kus lahendad mõistatusi ja avastad saladusi, samal ajal kui lood omaenda imelist saart. Rikkaliku graafika ja põnevate missioonidega "Disney Illusion Island" pakub lõbusat ja meelelahutuslikku kogemust nii noortele kui ka vanadele. Kas oled valmis avastama Disney maagilist saart?
It's a bolt, it's a flash, it's a quick silver strike of lightning - powered by the ultra-sensitive PixArt PAW3335 sensor and ultra-durable Kailh GM 4.0 mechanical switches, it never falls behind. With a maximum tracking speed of 10.16 m/s and a lifespan of 60 million clicks, the LIX Onyx White Wireless exceeds expectations and embraces any challenge.Thanks to the slick PTFE feet and dazzling ARGB backlight, it glides across the mousepad effortlessly like a ballet dancer... If ballet dancers had sniper rifles.
Tooteandmed on täiendamisel ja tõlkimisel. Kui vajate toote osas täiendavat infot või võõrkeelse teksti mõistmisel abi, andke sellest palun teada e-posti teel Saadame teile vastuse esimesel võimalusel. Vabandame võimalike ebamugavuste pärast!
100+ game audio presets for optimal sound in top games with the Arctis Nova 5 Companion App60-hour battery life to play all week long, with USB-C Fast ChargeQuick-Switch Wireless to toggle between 2.4GHz and Bluetooth with the press of one buttonNeodymium Magnetic Drivers produce crystal clear highs, pinpoint mids, and deep bassClearCast 2.X microphone with a new high-bandwidth chipsetCross-Platform Gaming with a handy USB-C dongle for PC, PlayStation, Switch, Mac, VR, handhelds, and mobile devices