Toode on ilmastikukindel. HOOLDUS: puit on elav looduslik materjal, mille välisilme ilmastikutingimuste mõjul muutub. Puhastage mööblit regulaarselt, kaitske liigniiskuse ja UV kiirguse eest. Kerge lihvimine ja uus õlikiht vähemalt korra aastas on piisav värskenduskuur mööblile jälle uue näo andmiseks.
Toode on ilmastikukindel. HOOLDUS: puit on elav looduslik materjal, mille välisilme ilmastikutingimuste mõjul muutub. Puhastage mööblit regulaarselt, kaitske liigniiskuse ja UV kiirguse eest. Kerge lihvimine ja uus õlikiht vähemalt korra aastas on piisav värskenduskuur mööblile jälle uue näo andmiseks.
Helivõimsus:6; Bluetooth:On; USB port:On; Sisend 3.5 mm AUX:Ei; Taustavalguse värv:Mitmevärviline, reguleeritav; Garantii füüsilistele isikutele:2 aastat
Ettenähtud: Habeme, vuntside ja põskhabeme; Otsakute arv: 7; Värv: Must; Kere materjal: Plast; Toide: Toitest ja akust; Tööaeg ühe laadimisega: 90 min.; Akuindikaator: On; Duši all kasutamise võimalus: Ei; Märgpuhastus: Ei; Juuste pikkuse määramine:...
Kaasaegse disaini ja kasulike omadustega sülearvutikott, mis sobib suurepäraselt koolis või tööl käimiseks. • Mahutab kuni 15.6" sülearvuti või tahvelarvuti • Mitu lukustatud taskut tarvikute jaoks • Vastupidav polüester materjal • Eemaldatav kaelarihm • Reisi ajal pagasi külge kinnitatav
Aiamööblikomplekt HELA laud ja 6 tooli. Laua mõõdud on 180x90xH75cm. Lauaplaat: 5mm hall, kivi meenutav karastatud klaas. Laua ja toolide jalad ja raam on valmistatud alumiiniumist ja viimistletud halli pulbervärviga. Tooli selja- ...
Lamamistool BALI 72x210xH36,5cm, beež. BALI sarja kuuluvaid tooteid iseloomustavad hoolikalt valitud eksklusiivsed materjalid, maitsekas värvikombinatsioon ja klassikaline disain. Tooli raam on valmistatud tiikpuust. Kõik puidust osad on peenlihvitud ja neid ei ole õlitatud ega muul viisil keemiliselt töödeldud. Iste ja seljatugi on valmsitatud beežist batylinest. Batyline materjali kõige olulisem omadus on selle nõtkus ja optimaalne istumismugavus. Lisaks erakordsele mehaanilisele tugevusele on materjalil kõrge keemiline vastupidavus. Sünteetiline kate tagab ülikõrge ilmastiku- ja UV-kindluse. Batyline ei ima niiskust, tänu sellele kuivab materjal väga kiiresti ja on maksimaalselt pleki- ja hallituskindel ning lihtsalt puhastatav. Lamamistooli reguleeritava seljatoe saab panna horisontaalsesse asendisse või valida sobiv kaldenurk nelja positsiooni vahel. Lamamistooli üldmõõdud on 72x210xH36,5cm, istme ja seljatoe laius 65cm, istmeosa pikkus 135cm, seljatoe pikkus 75cm. Toode on muutlikes ilmastikutingimustes vastupidav ja lihtsalt hooldatav. HOIUSTAMINE: suvehooaja lõppedes soovitame aiamööblit hoiustada siseruumides. Puhastage ja kuivatage mööbel enne hoiule panekut. Kasutage hoiustamiseks jahedat, kuiva ning hea ventilatsiooniga ruumi.
Juhtmega rool 180 kraadise pöörderaadiusega; 3 sõidurežiimi, et reguleerida rooli tundlikkust vastavalt maastikule või raja tüübile; Iminappadega lauakinnitus; Kaasas pedaalid (pidur ja gaasi); Käiguhoovad roolil.; Subsonic ...
RACK UPS PowerWalker VI 3000 RLP Line-interactive 3000VA 8X IEC C13 USB-B EPO LCD 2U. Made with Line-Interactive technology, the VI RLP UPS is a fully manageable, advanced unit giving you total control over your uninterruptible power system. Each of the 8 UPS outlets can be individually programmed, using dedicated software, adapting the unit to the installation and user requirements. In addition, the VI RLP generates a full sine wave on each of its outputs, ensuring that even sensitive equipment will be fully protected against sudden power outages. With a PF power factor of 0.9 and a high energy efficiency, the VI RLP ensures a long back-up time, which can be further extended by using a battery module. The entire unit is housed in a compact 2U high rack enclosure with a clear LCD screen and the possibility of additional functionality expansion with: SNMP card, cable organiser and other optional accessories. With a PowerWalker uninterruptible power supply, you don't have to worry about losing power in the network. Whenever the power goes out, the UPS, thanks to specialised circuitry, will instantly change to battery mode, ensuring uninterrupted access to electricity. The switchover will be completely imperceptible, as a result of which you can work uninterrupted and the only sign of a power failure will be an audible signal from the UPS. Full control over any connected equipment A distinguishing feature of the VI RLP series is the ability to separately configure each of the unit's eight sockets, adapting them to given requirements and needs. This can be done using the PowerMaster+ software via the USB interface, using the buttons under the LCD screen, or with an additional SNMP card (10131008). The functionality of each outlet can be extended to include, among other things, allocation to a specific critical section, the operating time of which can be systematically extended by cutting off other equipment from the emergency power supply; in addition, each outlet can be assigned its own start-up/shutdown delay. A substantial set of tools provided by the software provides additional options for monitoring and configuring the entire UPS unit, through a clear and readable user interface. Line-Interactive technology design Thanks to the use of Line-Interactive technology supported by the AVR circuit, the VI RLP is able to significantly improve the quality of the output voltage, so that the connected device will operate without unnecessary disturbances. Using an autotransformer, AVR eliminates any voltage fluctuations between 207 V and 243 V. Whenever this range is exceeded, the UPS will switch to battery mode, maintaining a continuous supply of power with the correct parameters. A short switching time of 6 ms will ensure that even sensitive equipment will not be affected by a sudden power failure. The risk of malfunctions, equipment shutdown or even permanent damage is completely eliminated. Full sine wave Thanks to the use of Line-Interactive technology supported by the AVR circuit, the VI RLP is able to significantly improve the quality of the output voltage, so that the connected device will operate without unnecessary interference. Using an autotransformer, the AVR eliminates any voltage fluctuations between 207 V and 243 V. Whenever this range is exceeded, the UPS will switch to battery mode, maintaining a continuous supply of power with the correct parameters. A short switching time of 6 ms will ensure that even sensitive equipment will not be affected by a sudden power failure. The risk of malfunctions, equipment shutdown or even permanent damage is completely eliminated. The professional solution An uninterruptible power supply is suitable for both the office and the server room. It allows you to finish your work, a web meeting or writing a document when the power goes out. The high performance of the VI 3000 RLP, is due to its careful design using modern technology, ensures that multiple devices can be connected, operated and managed at the same time, without worrying about overloading. The LCD screen allows intuitive monitoring of the equipment's operation, regardless of the position of the device, thanks to its rotatability. Clear markings will allow you to easily read information such as the device's output voltage, overload and current operating mode. It is also possible to configure the equipment and each of the sockets, using the built-in buttons under the LCD screen. Support for USB HID Take full control of the status of your UPS system with support for USB HID, which is the primary driver for monitoring the status of equipment on the most popular systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). This makes UPS operation easy and hassle-free. No additional software is required and we can manage the UPS from our computer, in a similar way to a laptop battery.