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Firma: Electro Base

DeWalt Akumutrikeeraja 3/8" 12V (ilma aku ja laadijata)
Tootekood: DCF503EN-XJ GTIN: 5035048789452 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
199,59 €
HOGERT Tööriistakomplekt 222 tk. HT1R444
Tootekood: HT1R444 GTIN: 5902801028137 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Tööriistakomplekt HOEGERT HT1R444 1/4", 3/8", 1/2", 222 tk.
115,90 €
Fiskars Vihmuti 3 jalaga 500m² 1027050
Tootekood: 1027050 GTIN: 6411501510754 Pritsid, pumbad ja kastmistarbed
3M Vikuiti ADQC27. Toote tüüp: Sülearvuti ekraanikaitse, Brändiühilduvus: HP, Ühilduvus: HP Envy dv7-7302sg. Kogus pakis: 1 tk. Paksus: 0,14 mm
47,69 €
Hiir Tracer Arvutihiir Cozy RF 2.4 GHz
Tootekood: TRAMYS46950-LSO GTIN: 5907512868218 Hiired
TRACER Cozy RF 2.4 GHz mouse
1-3 tp
8,16 €
EZVIZ BM1 Bear, helesinine - Beebimonitor kaamera
Tootekood: CS-BM1 GTIN: 6941545611730 Valveseadmed
Hoia silmad peal oma pere pisemal liikmel EZVIZ esimese beebimonitoriga. Uuendus EZVIZ kaamerate ja AI tehnoloogiaga toob visuaalselt meeldiva, kasutajasõbraliku ja lastele turvalise abivahendi, mis lihtsustab igapäevaseid toimetusi. Kohesed teavitused kui laps vajab Sind või oluliste hetkede toimumisel. Las EZVIZ aitab teha lapse eest hoolitsemine lihtsamaks päeval või öösel.
99,99 €
Tootekood: HFW1509TLM-A-LED-0360B-S2 GTIN: 6923172507600 Valveseadmed
Lite Series is suitable for users who requires high quality monitoring products at a reasonable price. It is cost effective and offers high performance, which makes it an ideal choice for residential and small-medium business applications. This series offers an option of a wide range of technologies such as Full-color and Starlight, providing various solutions for different scenarios. 5Megapixel progressive scan CMOS, 2880 × 1620 @25FPS Minimum illumination: 0.001 Lux/F1.0, 0 Lux warm light on Video output choices of CVI/TVI/AHD/CVBS by one BNC port BLC/HLC/True WDR 120 dB/HLC-Pro 3.6 mm fixed lens (88° HFOV) Up to 40 meters white LED Illumination. 2 white LED Built-in mic, audio over coax technology Bullet design, combined shell, IP67, -40°C~+60°C Power 12VDC ±30%, 6.4W max Type Fixed/HDTV/Megapixel/Outdoor Focal Length 3.6 mm, Min. Illumination 0.001 Lux Electronic Shutter Speed PAL:1/3 s–1/100,000 s NTSC:1/4 s–1/100,000, Microphone Built-in Power supply requirements 12VDC, Dimensions 198.4 mm × 80.2 mm × 76.2 mm
1-3 tp
66,35 €
Gembird Adapter USB Type-C to HDMI
Tootekood: A-USB3C-HDMI-01 GTIN: 8716309121354 Varia lisaseadmed
GEMBIRD A-USB3C-HDMI-01 USB Type-C to HDMI display adapter space grey
1-3 tp
14,19 €
LEGO 10962 DUPLO® Disney™ Buzz Lightyeari planeedimissioon
Tootekood: 10962 GTIN: 5702017153568 Mänguasjad
Päästa laste kujutlusvõime valla LEGO® DUPLO® Disney ja Pixari Buzz Lightyeari planeedimissiooni (10962) abil – see on detailirohke arendav mängukomplekt alates 2 aasta vanustele väikelasteleAvatud mäng legendaarse kosmosrändurigaDisney ja Pixari filmi „Lightyear“ ning legendaarse kosmoseränduri austajad rõõmustavad kindlasti, kui saavad appi tõtata Buzzile ja tema kolmele sõbrale – robotkass Soxile, arvuti Ivanile ja kolmnurkdroid Ericule –, et aidata neil üles leida kosmoselaeva kadunud kütuseelement. Nad otsivad seda avatava uksega koopast, ronimisliaaniga džunglist ning pöörleva taldrikuga radarijaamast ning seejärel tõusevad Buzzi kosmoselaevaga kõrgustesse lõpututele seiklustele. See mitmekülgne ehitusmänguasi virgutab koolieelikute loovust ja kujutlusvõimet ning tutvustab neile meeskonnatööd ja kosmose imesid.Mänguline õppimineLapsevanemad saavad jälgida, kuidas nende lapsed olulisi arenguverstaposte läbivad – LEGO DUPLO mänguasjad pakuvad väikestele lastele rohkelt mängu-, eneseväljendus- ja rõõmsa avastamise võimalusi.Saada laste kujutlusvõime kosmosesse – LEGO® DUPLO® Disney ja Pixari Buzz Lightyeari planeedimissioon (10962) pakub Buzz Lightyeari fännidele lõputult arendavaid mänguvõimalusiSeikluslik planeet – komplektis on LEGO® DUPLO® Disney ja Pixari Buzz Lightyeari figuur, robotkass Sox, arvuti Ivan, kolmnukdroid Eric, kosmoselaev, põnevad tegevuspaigad ja lõbusad tarvikudVahvad detailid – koopal on avamis- ja sulgemisfunktsioon, džunglialas on ronimisliaan, radarijaamas on pöörlev taldrik ja kosmoselaev viib lapsed lõpututele seiklusteleKingitus väikelastele – kingi see praktiline mängukomplekt sünnipäevaks või mõneks muuks puhuks alates 2 aasta vanusele väikelapselePalju uurimist – Buzz Lightyeari kosmoselaev on 5 cm kõrge, 14 cm pikk ja 13 cm lai – täpselt õige suurusega, et anda väikestesse kätesse suured seiklusedMänguline õppimine – kõigi LEGO® DUPLO® komplektide kujundamisel on kasutatud kaasahaaravaid lugusid, palju värve, mitmekülgseid tegelasi ja põnevaid detaile, et sinu väike õppur saaks elu SUURELT alustadaÜhtlane kvaliteet – LEGO® DUPLO® detailid vastavad tööstusharu rangeimatele standarditele, mis tähendab, et väikestel sõrmedel on neid lihtne haarata, kohale paigutada ja uuesti lahti võtta. Nii on see olnud juba aastast 1969Ohutus on tagatud – LEGO® DUPLO® klotse ja osi on maha visatud, kuumutatud, muljutud, väänatud ja analüüsitud, et tagada nende vastavus nõudlikele üleilmsetele ohutusstandarditeleLõbus mäng kosmoses Disney ja Pixari LightyearigaVii laste kujutlusvõime intergalaktilisele missioonile koos kosmoserändur Buzz Lightyeari ning tema robot- ja arvutisõpradega.Põnev planeet, millel on palju mänguvõimalusiSelles 37-osalises komplektis on Buzz Lightyeari figuur, lisaks kolm robotit, kokkupandav tähelaev, koobas, kosmoseväädid ja radarijaam.Arendavad tegevused väikestele astronautideleVirguta koolieelikute loovust ja kujutlusvõimet ning tutvusta neile meeskonnatööd ja kosmose imesid.Tore kingitus vähemalt 2-aastastele lasteleSee praktiline ehitus- ja mängukomplekt on ideaalne üllatus Buzz Lightyeari ning filmi „Lightyear“ fännidele.
1-3 tp
26,17 €
Next level Racing Flight Simulator Boeing Commercial Edition, must - Kokpit
Tootekood: NLR-S027 GTIN: 9359668000213 Mänguritoolid
Lennuta end taevasse Next Level Racing® Flight Simulator Boeing Commercial Edition, nende esimene lennuks ehitatud kokpit, tehtud koostöös Boeing Company'ga. Kokpit pakub laia valikut konfiguratsioone erinevate lennuklasside jaoks; lahing, kosmoselend, reisilennundus ja üldlennundus ning sobitub elektroonikaga kõigilt suurematelt brändidelt.
1-3 tp
837,90 €
Tracer flashlight 3600mAh green
Tootekood: TRAOSW46894 GTIN: 5907512867624 Kontoritarbed
TRACER flashlight 3600mAh green with power bank
1-3 tp
15,20 €
Philips Smart Light Bulb Power consumption 5.5 Watts Luminous flux 470 Lumen 2700 K 220-240V...
Tootekood: 929003021101 GTIN: 8719514320666 Pirnid ja lisatarvikud
Single Bulb E14 Get classic style and modern features with this E14 candle bulb. Ideal for table lamps and smaller fixtures, this bulb offers soft white light and instant wireless dimming. Installation E14 Power consumption 5.5 Watts, Luminous flux 470 Lumen Light colour temperature 2700 K, Voltage 220-240V
18,87 €
Lindy HUB I/O USB3 4PORT+3CHARGE/43371
Tootekood: 43371 GTIN: 4002888433716 Varia lisaseadmed
4 Port USB 3.0 Hub with 3 Quick Charge 3.0 Ports Connect up to 4 USB devices and additionally fast charge another 3 USB devices Allows connecting up to 4 USB 3.0 devices with data transfer rates up to 5Gbps to a single USB Type A host port Supports Quick Charge 3.0 fast and smart charging of up to 3 connected USB devices like smartphones or tablets On/Off switch on each port allows users to manage power consumption of the connected devices High-performance 54W Multi-County power supply included Product Type USB Hub Dimensions 140x46.6x25.5mm, Weight 0.114 kg
1-3 tp
80,45 €
Nitecore BATTERY RECH. 650MAH 3.7V/RCR123 NL166
Tootekood: NL166 GTIN: 6952506490318 Patareid ja laadijad
1-3 tp
6,10 €
Axis NET CAMERA M3085-V 2MP/02373-001
Tootekood: 02373-001 GTIN: 7331021076631 Videokaamerad
HDTV 1080p fixed mini dome with HDMI AXIS M3085-V features day/night functionality and WDR for sharp video even when there’s both dark and light areas in the scene. This ultra-compact camera comes factory-focused, can easily be leveled and directed in any direction, plus offers HDMI support enabling streaming to a public view monitor. It supports intelligent analytics and thanks to the memory card slot, you can optionally record at the edge. Furthermore, Zipstream with support for H.264 and H.265 reduces bandwidth and storage requirements. The camera is made with 52% recycled plastics and is PVC/BFR/CFR free. And, its impact- and dust-resistant casing simply snaps on without visible screws. Key Features: HDTV 1080p video quality WDR and day/night functionality Zipstream supporting H.264 and H.265 HDMI output for streaming to a monitor Environmentally friendly Type Fixed Dome Pixel Resolution 2 Mega Pixel
1-3 tp
363,68 €
Tootekood: 5133005090 GTIN: 4892210195715 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Ryobi aku stardikomplekt ONE+. Komplektis on aku 18V Lithium+ (2,0 Ah) ja laadija (2,0 A/h). Kasutamiseks Ryobi ONE+ süsteemiga. Parem töökindlus. IntelliCell™-i tehnoloogia jälgib ja tasakaalustab elemente, et tagada maksimaalne tööaeg, hoiuaeg ja ohutus ning pakkuda rohkem energiat. Akuindikaator võimaldab lihtsalt ja paindlikult akulaengut kontrollida. Tugev konstruktsioon ja sisseehitatud löögikaitse kindlustavad pika vastupidavuse.
75,97 €
−0,37 €
Good Loot Puzzle Assassins Creed: Valhalla - Eivor and Polar Bear Puzzle
Tootekood: PUZACVHEIPOB GTIN: 5908305240884 Fännikaup ja riided
The world of Assassin's Creed Valhalla is charming and terrifying at the same time. For this reason, Eivor travels it in the company of a polar bear, whose appearance inspires admiration among friends and fear among enemies.
1-3 tp
16,00 €
Makita E-15182 Screwdriver Holster with Handle
Tootekood: E-15182 GTIN: 88381598361 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Makita tööriistakast E-15182 Screwdriver Holster with Handle
42,50 €
Knipex 71 21 200 tangid L iketangid
Tootekood: 71 21 200 GTIN: 4003773066866 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Knipex poldilõikurtangid CoBolt Compact Bolt Cutter
44,90 €
Knipex StepCut Cable Shears
Tootekood: KN 95 11 160 GTIN: 4003773085904 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Knipex StepCut kaablitangid Cable Shears
26,05 €
Võrguseade MikroTik Adapter Hot Swap PSU G1040A-60WF
Tootekood: G1040A-60WF GTIN: 708747440263 Võrguseadmed
Hot-swap power supply for the CCR2004 — so you can replace the power supply without having to turn off or even restart the router. Zero downtime!CCR2004-16G-2S+ comes with two hot-swap dual redundant power supplies. If one of them goes out of order at some point the other one will take over. Then you can use this kit to replace the old power supply — and you don’t even have to restart the router!
1-3 tp
43,80 €
Mobiili lisaseade Baseus Wall charger GaN5 Pro 2xUSB-C + USB + HDMI, 67W (black)
Tootekood: CCGP110201 GTIN: 6932172613006 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
Baseus GaN5 Pro 2xUSB-C + USB + HDMI mains charger, 67W (black) Indulge yourself with the convenience of the Baseus GaN5 Pro mains charger! With its help, you will not only charge your devices, but also display the video from your phone or laptop on a bigger screen. Improved GaN technology guarantees a lot of convenience and ensures the safety of using the product. The charger is equipped with 2 USB-C ports, one USB port and one HDMI port. It is small in size, but features great performance. Baseus GaN5 Pro is sure to meet your expectations. Small size, big power Don't wait until your devices are ready to use again and efficiently charge your laptop, tablet, phone or Switch at the same time! The power of the Baseus GaN5 Pro charger reaches 67 watts, so it will do a fantastic job charging your laptop. Speed is a characteristic feature of the device - 30 minutes is enough for the charge level of the AppleBook Air 13" battery to reach 42%. The same amount of time is needed for the Apple 13 Pro Max to be charged at 54%. Despite its small size, the device is extremely powerful. With the Baseus charger, long waits will be a thing of the past! One gadget - many uses Using the Baseus product, you will not only charge several devices simultaneously, but also display photos, videos or presentations on a large screen. The device acts as both a charger and a hub. Business meeting, university, home - the Baseus device will work in all conditions and circumstances! The 4K@30Hz image quality provides an impressive visual experience. You don't have to worry about lag. Want to project the image from your laptop on the projector, but the battery level of the device is low? No problem! The Baseus GaN5 Pro charger will charge your device and allow you to project an image at the same time. You don't have to limit yourself anymore. Improved technology Thanks to GaN technology, the Baseus mains charger is small in size, high in power, resistant to temperature rise and has high energy efficiency. Meanwhile, the BPS II technology automatically adjusts the power, output voltage and electric current to suit the devices being charged, and can quickly charge 2 devices at the same time. The Baseus GaN5 Pro charger is extremely efficient, and it is completely safe to use. Attention to detail To make the use of the Baseus product as convenient as possible for you, every detail has been taken care of. Included in the set is a USB4 cable that allows data transfer at 40 Gbps and charging with 100 watts of power, as well as a 1.5m extension cable. All for the sake of your convenience! The charger is equipped with 4 ports: USB-C1 (67 W) for fast charging of laptops, tablets and phones. USB-C2 (67 W) allows you to charge and transfer data. Thanks to the HDMI port, you will display the image from the selected device on a projector or TV. Through the USB port you will connect a mouse, keyboard or adapter. It is also possible to charge low-current devices such as headphones. Safety of use Safety is a top priority, which is why the Baseus GaN5 Pro charger has numerous safety features. You don't have to worry about overvoltage, overcurrent, electrostatic fields, short circuit or temperature rise of the device. High quality and met safety standards are confirmed by BCTC certification. Thoughtful design The compact size and light weight make it easy to carry the Baseus GaN5 Pro charger. You can take the device with you anywhere - even on a plane! The AC voltage range of 110 to 240 volts meets international air transport standards. The blue indicator will inform you about the operation of the device. The Baseus charger is not only functional, but also has an interesting design, so it looks great. Wide compatibility The Baseus device is compatible with Apple brand laptops (AppleBook Air 2020, AppleBook Pro 13" 2020, AppleBook Pro 14" 2021, AppleBook Pro 16" 2021, AppleBook Pro 16" 2019), Lenovo (Think Book 16, Xiaoxin Pro 13 2019, Xiaoxin Pro 14 Core 2021, Xiaoxin Air 14 R5 2020, Legion R9000P), HP (ZHAN X 13.3"), Dell (Inspiron 15 Pro 5517 i7 and XPS 13. 3), Huawei (MateBook D14 2019, MateBook 14" 2019, MateBook 16s 2021 CREM WFD9), Xiaomi (Xiaomi Pro 15 Mi Book 2021, Xiaomi Mi Book Air 13 2019), Apple tablets (Pad Air 2022, Pad mini 2021, Pad Pro 3 11", Pad Pro 3 12. 9"), Microsoft (Surface Go 3, Surface Pro 8), Huawei (MatePad Pro, MatePad), phones from Samsung, Honor, Huawei, Xiaomi, OnePlus, OPPO, Sony, Google and game consoles from Nintendo and Valve. The possibilities don't end there! Included: Baseus mains charger USB-C/USB-C cable Extender 1.5m User manual Input voltage range AC 110 to 240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 A (max.) Output current USB-C1: 5 V - 3 A (15 W); 9 V - 3 A (27 W); 12 V - 3 A (36 W);15V -3 A (45 W); 20 V - 3.35 A (67 W) max., USB-C2: 5 V - 3 A (15 W); 9 V - 3 A (27 W); 12 V - 3 A (36 W); 15 V - 3 A (45 W); 20 V - 3.35 A (67 W) max, USB-C1 + USB-C2: 20 W + 45 W max., USB-C1: 5 V - 3 A (15 W); 9 V - 2.22 A (20 W); 12 V - 1.67 A (20 W), USB-C2: 5 V - 3 A (15 W); 9 V -3 A (27 W); 12 V - 3 A (36 W); 15 V - 3 A (45 W); 20 V - 2.25 A (45 W) HDMI output 4K 30Hz Dimensions 96 x 46 x 38 mm Weight 288 g Material PC Color Black Cable connectors USB-C/USB-C Cable length1 m Cable material TPE Cable amperage 100 W Transfer speed 40 Gbps
32,99 €
Philips by Signify Hue White and colour ambience MR16 – nutikas kohtvalgusti – (2 tk pakis)
Tootekood: 49164900 GTIN: 8719514491649 LED valgustid
Philips lambipirn Lighting Hue LED Light Bulb MR16, 400lm, Color Ambiance, 2tk, valge
1-3 tp
88,25 €
Klaviatuur HP HyperX Randmetugi - - numbriklahvideta
Tootekood: 4Z7X1AA GTIN: 5704174953180 Klaviatuurid
HyperX Wrist Rest - Keyboard - Tenkeyless Cool comfort and cushioning The HyperX Wrist Rest provides comfortable wrist cushioning for use with a mouse or a variety of keyboard sizes. It has an anti-slip natural rubber underside crafted to remain stable while your fingers fly across the keys. Built to last, the HyperX Wrist Rest features anti-fray stitching, and is constructed with a focus on quality, so it’ll provide long-lasting comfort session after session. - Cool gel memory foam - Stable, anti-slip grip - Durable construction with anti-fray stitching - Available options for mouse and keyboards
1-3 tp
20,30 €
Genesis NJG-2101 mängukontroller Must, Valge USB Juhtpult Android, MAC, Nintendo Switch, PC, iOS
Tootekood: NJG-2101 GTIN: 5901969443745 Konsoolide lisaseadmed
Play with precision and in a good style Discover Mangan 400 and choose a professional and stylish gameplay. It is a wireless controller, designed with an emphasis on operational precision and matching the appearance of the controller to individual tastes. With these solutions, you will find it much easier to achieve subsequent victories and stand out among other players. Perfect joysticks Perfect reproduction of joystick movements ensures that during the gameplay, you can fully utilise your own skills. It will not limit them to simplified controls characteristic of competitive controllers - with Mangan 400, tilting the stick in your chosen direction will execute a smooth and precise movement in a circle. Customise the operation to your needs You can adjust the operation of Mangan 400 to your individual needs. Whether you prefer the controller to remain still during gameplay or need to select one of the three available vibration strength modes for the controller. You can also adjust the sensitivity of the joystick, allowing you to customise, for example, the camera movement speed according to your preferences, even if the game itself does not allow it. Play by your own rules without compromising. Precise triggers Mangan 400 also features precise triggers. The force with which you press the triggers can affect, for example, the speed of the vehicles controlled in the game, making the gameplay even more responsive. Your victories are within reach, but they depend on quickly made decisions and... nimble fingers. Wireless communication Enjoy the Mangan 400 controller freely thanks to wireless communication. The Bluetooth adapter allows for communication with a PC within a range of up to 5 meters, while direct Bluetooth connection allows for playing from a distance of up to 10 meters from the device. You can play comfortably from anywhere in your room. Replaceable front panel Break the routine of traditional controllers. Use the interchangeable front panel to customise the appearance of Mangan 400 to your style. At any time, change the colour cover (available in black, red, orwhite) to its alternative version, which you will find in the box Gameplay as you like it Mangan 400 is a versatile controller that allows for comfortable gaming on a computer, consoles (Nintendo Switch, Asus Rog Ally, Steam Deck), and mobile devices with Android and iOS on board. A fully charged device allows for playing for up to 15 hours, so you don't have to worry about interrupting the fun at the least expected moment. Secure case A special case with a place for the PC adapter will allow you to safely store the equipment when you are not using the controller. It will also be useful during transport - Mangan 400 will enable comfortable gaming not only at home but also outside, for example, while traveling. Quality The pad is comfortable and will serve you for a long time. This is thanks to the illuminated buttons, which are made using Double Injection technology. This ensures that their imprints will not wear off even after years of use. The rubberised grips also contribute to the comfort of playing, preventing the controller from slipping - even during the most exciting gameplay.
1-3 tp
30,79 €
Mobiili lisaseade Baseus Superior Series Cable USB to iP 2.4A 1m (blue)
Tootekood: CALYS-A03 GTIN: 6953156205420 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
Baseus USB to iP cable USB cable by Baseus is a guarantee of fast data transmission up to 480 Mb/s and fast charging. Made of high quality materials, it is resistant to breaks and mechanical damage. Moreover, Velcro strap was added to the set for easier storage. Durable The most fragile place - the connection between the cable and the plug, has been reinforced. The cable was made of TPE material, so it is flexible and will not break even when bent to 90°. In addition, thanks to its length of 1m, you can use it, for example, at home or in the office. In the set, you will also find Velcro strap which makes the storage easier. 2in1 The product from Baseus will instantly charge your device and allow you to transfer files. Reinforced cable positively affects the speed of charging, and the copper core provides a stable and safe charging power of 2.4A. You can also use the CALYS-A03 for data transmission at speeds up to 480Mbps. Wide compatibility The USB cable is compatible with all devices from Apple, for example, iPhone 12 / 8 Plus / 5, iPad 8 / Air 2 / Mini 2 or iPod 6. Such wide compatibility gives CALYS-A03 versatility. BrandBaseusModelCALYS-A03Current2.4ATransmission rate 480MbpsCompatibilityApple Phone: 12 / SE2 / 11 / 11 Pro Max, Xs / Xs Max / X / XP / 8 / 8 Plus / 7 / 7 Plus / 6S / 6S / 6S Plus / 6 / 6 Plus / SE / 5S / 5C / 5 ; Pad: 8 / 10.2" / Pro 9.7" / Air 2 / Air / Mini 4 / Mini 3 / Mini 2 ; Pod 6Cable length1mMaterialTPE + ABSColourBlue
2,79 €
Kärcher K rcher SP 9.000 Flat
Tootekood: 1.645-810.0 GTIN: 4054278951669 Tööriistad ja tarvikud
Drenaaživeepump Karcher SP 9.000, 280W
1-3 tp
60,79 €
+0,40 €
35,51 €
Extralink AKUMULATOR BATTERY ACCUMULATOR AGM 12V 200AH - Batterie Suletud pliiaku (VRLA)
Tootekood: AZEXTUAY0009793 GTIN: 5902560369793 Elektrikaubad
Aku Extralink AGM 12V 200Ah
1-3 tp
259,99 €
ORVALDI 1085K puhvertoiteallikas (UPS) Liini-interaktiivne 8,5 kVA 480 W
Tootekood: 1085K GTIN: 5904006036443 Elektrikaubad
Orvaldi 1085K
66,42 €
Green Cell AGM VRLA 6V 14Ah maintenance-free battery for the alarm system, cash register, toys
Tootekood: AGM34 GTIN: 5903317227724 Elektrikaubad
Green CellAGM VRLA 6V 14AH hooldusvaba aku häiresüsteemile, kassale, mänguasjadele
14,09 €
LEIFHEIT pesukuivatustorn 270 405013
Tootekood: 81454 GTIN: 4006501814548 Mööbel
Leifheit 81454 pesukuivati torn 270 on tõeliselt ruumisäästlik. Ülesseatult võtab see enda alla vaid 68 x 68 cm, seega mahub torn praktiliselt igasse nurka: dušinurka, kitsasse vannituppa, väikesele rõdule või kitsasse koridori. Kolme kuivatustasandi liini pikkus on 27 meetrit ja ruumi kuni 3 pesumasinatäie jaoks. Tänu kokkupandavale raamile saab kuivatit ka pooleks voltida ja kasutada ainult ühel küljel. Igal kuivatusastmel olevaid vardaid saab ka eraldi kokku voltida – torn 270 sobib seega suuremate ja eriti pikemate riideesemete jaoks. Kuivatusresti 4 integreeritud sujuvalt veerevat ratast võimaldavad seda täielikult laadida ja igas suunas liigutada. Pesukuivatustorn 270 on ideaalne kuivatusrest, kui teil on pesu kuivatamiseks vähe ruumi. Kui seda ei kasutata, saab torni väga kompaktselt kokku voltida; see mahub vaevata kapi ja seina vahele.p>• Turvalised maksemeetodid: Paypal, pangaülekanne, deebet- ja krediitkaardid, Trustly • Uhiuus toode. 2-aastane garantii sularahas kohaletoimetamise.Tasuta tarne
1-3 tp
44,10 €
+0,82 €
Bruder Buldooser Large Caterpillar (02452)
Tootekood: 02452 GTIN: 4001702024529 Mänguasjad
Bruder Professional Series CAT Track-Type Tractor (02452)
60,06 €
Creality CR-Silk PLA Filament (Golden-red)
Tootekood: 3301120009 GTIN: 6971636405733 3D printerid ja tarvikud
Creality CR-Silk PLA Filament (Gold-Red)Creality's CR-Silk filament features a metallic, elegant sheen, making it eye-catching and perfect for printing figurines, decorations and even jewelry. It also features impressive durability and compatibility with most Creality printers. What's more, durable yet environmentally friendly materials have been used to make it.Fast and trouble-free printingThanks to its careful winding, the filament allows for smooth, trouble-free printing at speeds of up to 100 mm/s. It is also resistant to tangling. This will save you time and avoid wasting materials!Elegant and durableThe filament is very pleasant to the touch and is distinguished by its elegant, delicate sheen - it allows you to achieve a pearly and smooth surface of the model without additional polishing. In addition, it was made of environmentally friendly, durable materials (PLA), making it resistant to deformation and distinguished by low shrinkage. Its tensile strength reaches 35 MPa, and its flexural strength is as high as 67 MPa. ManufacturerCrealityNameCR-Silk FilamentModel3301120009ColorGolden-redExtruder temperatureFrom 190°C to 230°CTable temperatureFrom no heating to 60°CPrinting speed40-100 mm/secTensile strength35 MPaBending strength67 MPaFilament diameter1.75 mmWeight1 kg
1-3 tp
24,18 €
Dahua HAC-HDW1509T-IL-A-0280B-S2 White
Tootekood: HDW1509T-IL-A-0280B-S2 GTIN: 6923172540553 Valveseadmed
Valvekaamera HD-CVI Dahua HAC-HDW1509TP-IL-A
1-3 tp
76,31 €
43,93 €
Nitecore NU50 Black
Tootekood: NU50 GTIN: 6952506407675 Taskulambid
NITECORE NU50 1400 lumen Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp.
57,68 €
+0,04 €
Nitecore P35i
Tootekood: P35I GTIN: 6952506407323 Taskulambid
Nitecore P35i 3000 Lumen 1650m Rechargeable LEP Flashlight.
1-3 tp
259,42 €
Nitecore LR70 Black/ White
Tootekood: LR70 GTIN: 6952506407811 Taskulambid
Nitecore LR70 3-in-1 3000 lumen USB-C Rechargeable Lantern Flashlight. The Nitecore LR70 is a versatile 3-in-1 camping lantern, flashlight, and power bank. When used as a flashlight, it is capable of producing up to 3000 lumens and providing a throw distance of up to 328 yards, making it ideal for camping and outdoor activities. When you use the LR70 as a lantern, it can emit up to 400 lumens, providing 360-degree illumination whether it's placed on a surface or hung. It also offers multiple red light options, including High and Low brightness settings to preserve your night vision, as well as Beacon and SOS modes for emergency situations. If you're on the move, you can turn the LR70 on its side and utilize its Flashlight mode, which offers a choice of 5 different brightness settings.
1-3 tp
69,95 €
+0,02 €
Canon C-EXV 58L toonerikassett 1 tk Originaal Kollane
Tootekood: 3769C002 GTIN: 4549292156669 Printeritarvikud
Canon Toner C-EXV CEXV 58L Yellow Gelb (3769C002)
148,80 €
1-3 tp
67,50 €
Lexmark 75M2HY0 toonerikassett 1 tk Originaal Kollane
Tootekood: 75M2HY0 GTIN: 734646742016 Printeritarvikud
Lexmark 75M2HY0 Yellow
1-3 tp
379,51 €
Tootekood: NMP-2162 GTIN: 5901969444438 Mobiilide lisaseadmed
NATEC Multiport dock Fowler 2 V2 8in1 USB 3.0 hub HDMI 4K USB-C RJ45 SD micro SD
35,00 €
Brother TN2590XL black up to 3000 pages.
Tootekood: TN-2590XL GTIN: 4977766830355 Printeritarvikud
Brother tooner TN-2590XL must 3ks for L24xx/26xx/28xx/29x
1-3 tp
85,22 €
Võrguseade Netgear 28PT M4350-24F4V MANAGED SWITCH
Tootekood: XSM4328FV-100NES GTIN: 606449161397 Võrguseadmed
NETGEAR M4350-24F4V. Lüliti tüüp: Juhitav, Lüliti kiht: L3. RJ-45 Etherneti ühenduse pesade tüüp: Mitte ühtegi, USB 2.0 portide arv: 2, Konsooli port: RJ-45. Täisdupleks. MAC-aadresside tabel: 16000 sisestust, Lülitusvõime: 680 ...
1-3 tp
3271,30 €
Green Cell 20x Ogniwo Akumulator 18650 Li-Ion INR1865026E 3.6V 2600mAh
Tootekood: 20GC18650NMC26 GTIN: 5904326375024 Patareid ja laadijad
Green Cell patarei 20x Ogniwo 18650 Li-Ion INR1865026E 3.6V 2600mAh
1-3 tp
46,90 €
+0,01 €
Barbie tantsiv hobune
Tootekood: HXJ42 GTIN: 194735231010 Mänguasjad
Tornaado mänguhobune jookseb justkui välja Netflixi sarjast Barbie Mysteries: The Great Horse Chase. Hobusel on üle 20 heli ja palju erinevaid mänguviise. Tema eest saab hoolitseda ja ka sengut teha. Barbie hobune tantsib, pilgutab silmi, esitab laule ja teeb lõbusaid hääli. Komplektis on kaasas ka temaatilised aksessuaarid, nagu karikas, toit, hari ja söödakast.
38,00 €
Võrguseade MikroTik SXTsq-mount
Tootekood: SXTsq-mount GTIN: 4752224009463 Võrguseadmed
Attach it to the back of the SXTsq using a Ph1 screwdriver, mount everything on a pole using the provided U bolt and an 8 mm ratchet, then place the bolt in one of the three positions - these enable fine adjustments up to 45 degrees in both directions!
1-3 tp
6,99 €
ActiveJet Toonerikassett ATH-89N, must
Tootekood: ATH-89N GTIN: 5901443116677 Printeritarvikud
Activejet ATH-89N
1-3 tp
74,72 €
+0,01 €
Canon toonerkassett 724H Black
Tootekood: 3482B002 GTIN: 4960999664903 Printeritarvikud
Canon toonerikassett 724H must.; Kestvus umbes 12000 lehte.; Sobivus: Canon laserprinterid i-SENSYS LBP6750dn.
1-3 tp
126,40 €
Brother Paber BP71GP50 Premium Plus Glossy 6 x 4" Photo Paper 260g 50lk.
Tootekood: BP71GP50 GTIN: 4977766658430 Printeritarvikud
Läikiv fotopaber Brother BP71GP50 Premium Plus Glossy 6 x 4"., Pakis 50 lehte, Paberi mõõdud: 150 x 100mm (6 x 4"), Paberi kaal: 260g/m2
1-3 tp
7,60 €