The coffee machine I got from them is very nice and it works properly. As well as that, what I like about it is how easy it is to use. It is an amazing coffee machine for qualitative cups of coffee. The delivery was also very smooth, I highly recommend them.
Ostsin vinge kohvimasina. Kõik väga viis!
Ei vasta kodulehel tehtud päringutele. Võib ka mujalt osta, poes saada olevaid kaupu on saadaval igas poes.
Järjekordne suurem kohvikapslite ost. Tarne kiire ukseni. Mugav ja usaldusväärne. Soovitan.
The coffee machine I got from them is very nice and it works properly. As well as that, what I like about it is how easy it is to use. It is an amazing coffee machine for qualitative cups of coffee. The delivery was also very smooth, I highly recommend them.